Category: Videos

InkscapeMap is a simple tool to generate HTML imagemap or coordinates list (eg. to be inserted into a database) from an Inkscape SVG file. It is useful for creating imagemaps and generate area-colored images on the fly using the coordinates (eg.…

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The cold season is responsable for some of the most exquisite landscapes that nature can offer. Winter Sea is a small, beautiful Win 7 theme designed to enhance your desktop with the image of a winter scenery.   Download  …

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Handling an image requires a lot of patience and a good platform that can help you edit images faster while maintaining overall picture integrity. While applying color filters or effects to an image may not seem that hard, removing certain…

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Users who often carry their data on USB flash drives surely know that there are numerous malicious components that can infect their PC as soon the they open files from their USB. To prevent this from happening, one can rely…

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