Anti Deep Freeze V6 61 020 2822 |BEST|

Anti Deep Freeze V6 61 020 2822 |BEST|


Anti Deep Freeze V6 61 020 2822

the antifungal activity of peptides was assayed by measuring the minimal inhibitory concentration (mic) of the peptides to prevent growth of s. sclerotiorum. for this purpose, an agar medium was prepared by dissolving 4g of bacto agar (difco, bd, sparks, md) in 1l of distilled water, filter sterilized and autoclaved. the medium was subsequently mixed with 150ml of sterile distilled water, 25ml of melted agar was added to the mix and poured into 100mm petri dishes. for assaying the growth inhibition, the medium was then solidified at room temperature (rt) for 30 min, poured into the petri dishes to form a layer and allowed to cool at rt. each peptide was tested at a concentration of 4mg/ml. ten microlitres of each peptide solution (200 µg/ml) was spotted onto the surface of the medium. plates were incubated at 28°c for 72h. after incubation, the diameters of the inhibition zones were measured in mm and the anti-oomycete activity of the peptides is expressed as the average of the three repetitions. the average values of each treatment were compared to the control (buffer).

the current study aimed to evaluate the ability of nopv1 to inhibit the pathogenic potential of p. infestans in vitro and in vivo. a significant reduction in the mycelial growth of p. infestans at 20c was observed in the presence of nopv1 (5 and 10 mg/ml). moreover, nopv1 significantly reduced the incidence of oomycete lesions on potato tubers inoculated with p. infestans. no significant reduction in the incidence of tomato and lettuce lesions was observed. nopv1 exhibited no antimicrobial activity against the tested plant-pathogenic fungi (12 fungi belonging to the ascomycota, zygomycota, and basidiomycota phyla) or bacteria (15 bacteria belonging to the proteobacteria, actinobacteria, firmicutes, and bacteroidetes phyla). these data suggest that nopv1 is potentially effective in reducing the pathogenicity of the oomycete p. infestans, while limiting its pathogenicity to its host. the results suggest that nopv1 may be a promising candidate for the development of new oomycete fungicides.

to identify genes involved in the biosynthesis of anthraquinones during seed development, we performed transcriptome and metabolome analysis from developing seeds. the majority (68%) of genes decreased in expression during seed maturation (supplementary fig. 14 and supplementary data 9 ). similarly, metabolic gene expression decreased across all metabolic domains during seed maturation (supplementary fig. 15 and supplementary data 4 ), consistent with metabolite-profiling results, which showed that the majority of primary metabolites involved in central carbon metabolism were reduced after stage 4 (supplementary figs. 16, 17, and supplementary data 5, 6 ). however, some genes increased in expression during seed maturation (32% genes represented by 5 clusters, supplementary fig. 14 and supplementary data 9 ), which we reasoned would be enriched in anthraquinone biosynthetic enzymes. to identify genes that showed similar expression patterns as anthraquinone accumulation, we first identified all genes that were differentially expressed relative to stage 1 during seed development. co-expression analysis of differentially expressed genes during seed development detected nine co-expression clusters (supplementary fig. 14 ). among them, clusters 3 and 6 showed similar patterns to anthraquinone accumulation in which genes were highly induced starting stage 5 (fig. 2c, d ). cluster 6 was statistically overrepresented with genes annotated as transferases, udp-glycosyltransferases, and oxidoreductases, which may reflect enzymes involved in the tailoring of anthraquinones to produce gluco-obtusifolin, glucoaurantio-obtusin, and other derivatives including aurantio-obtusin (fig. 2b and supplementary table 14 ). in addition, genes in clusters 3 and 6 were enriched with specialized, fatty acid and lipid, cofactor, and carbohydrate metabolism in storacyc (fig. 2c, d, and supplementary data 7 ).