Chakra harmonization – balancing



When our chakras are balanced, and in alignment, the body systems to flow smoothly, and our hearts and minds are at peace. … Having balanced, aligned and unblocked chakras can support a balanced flow of energy that will support a healthy and vigorous life force, physical, emotional and spiritual. Even our pets need to have their chakras balanced.



Benefits of Chakra Balancing

Similarly to balancing the wheels of your car, balancing your chakras  helps to improve and maintain optimum performance.  Sticking with the car analogy for a moment: when the wheels are not balanced, they become wobbly and add undue stress, wear and tear to your tires and your vehicle.  Performance decreases, as does the life of the tire.  When your chakras are out of balance, they become too open or too closed, leaky, or wobbly.  They do not effectively manage energy transmission and reception in your body.  These imbalances create more stress and impact how you interact with and respond to the world around you.

They have been called vortexes, ‘points of swirling energy’, or ‘subtle’ energy centers. Each one has  a unique frequency, and  they regulate all parts of the body systems. They influence our mood, overall energy, and ultimately, our health