Arts Council of Northern Ireland

Arts Council of Northern Ireland

Local authorities, who sometimes employ people to promote dance throughout the authority – dancers will usually work on a peripatetic basis in schools across the area Learning is a process that is processed differently for each child. At kindergarten and elementary school age, studying can be boring. So, when children enter a bored phase and are not enthusiastic about learning, the fun learning method could be the best choice to offer. Another English learning game that you can play at home with your children is the word match game. This is a game of matching words by word based on their synonyms or even antonyms. This game requires several players, one of whom will function as an instructor or determine a word. Its members become human beings with noble personalities and character as well as high mental, moral, character and strong religious beliefs.
prepare for and attend auditions and casting sessions

Arts Council England
Arts Council of Wales
Creative Scotland
Look for job vacancies at:

Dance Europe
One Dance UK

Train Students to do Scientific Research

Up until November 2, 1898 the cheers and chants broke out from the crowd itself spontaneously. Very likely, they weren’t always done in unison, and may have even had competing groups trying to start their own chants.

There are two types of extracurricular activities, namely mandatory extracurriculars and optional extracurriculars. The difference lies in the requirement for students or children to participate. Compulsory extracurricular activities are activities that all students or learners must participate in. Meanwhile, optional extracurriculars are development activities that students can choose based on their interests and talents.

Recreational function, namely that extracurricular activities are carried out in a relaxed, encouraging and enjoyable atmosphere so as to support the student development process. Extracurricular activities must be able to make school life or atmosphere more challenging and more interesting for students.

Nature Lovers Extra will be very appropriate for students who like to do activities in nature such as hiking, outbound and others. Students will also be taught about how to care for nature, work together and be solidarity with others.

Professional development
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 39 of 2008 concerning student development, extracurricular activities have the following objectives.