Types of Protein Sources that Contain Low Calories

Types of Protein Sources that Contain Low Calories

You probably already know that protein is an important compound that has many uses for the human body. Yep, the presence of protein, especially animal protein, which comes from animals, plays a very important role because it contains nutrients that are good for the body, starting from vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, to omega-3 fatty acids. So, here are several sources of protein that contain low calories!

1. Chicken Breast

The part of chicken that is often used as diet food is the breast. This is because chicken breast is lean meat which is also low in calories and high in protein. Apart from being a source of protein, chicken breast also contains niacin, selenium and vitamin B12 which of course are very good for the body’s health.

Per 100 grams of chicken meat contains 0 grams of fiber, with 29 grams of protein and 195 calories. Meanwhile, 85 grams of chicken breast contains around 100 calories. Diet warriors usually consume this chicken breast with steamed broccoli or steamed vegetables. fit and fast meals

2. Eggs and Egg Whites

Another part of chicken that also has low calorie content is the egg and egg white. One egg contains around 72 calories with 6 grams of protein, as well as vitamins and minerals which are of course important for the body. Diet warriors often consume boiled eggs for breakfast, so they can feel full until lunch time.

Meanwhile, the egg whites can be consumed raw and they are actually healthier! This is because per 100 grams of egg white contains around 0 grams of fiber with 11 grams of protein and 51 calories. However, if you feel uncomfortable consuming white eggs raw, they can also be processed in other ways, for example steamed or boiled.

3. Tuna

You probably already know why many diet-supporting foods contain tuna. Yep, because the protein content in 100 grams of tuna meat is around 0 grams of fiber with 23.3 grams of protein and 108 calories. The most popular tuna dish is in the form of sushi. Do you like this typical sushi food from the Land of the Rising Sun?

4. Cod

Apart from tuna, cod is also included in this list of low-calorie foods, you know… For 85 grams of cod, it contains around 15 grams of protein and the number of calories is no less than 70. Not only that, cod also contains vitamin B12, niacin , and selenium. Usually, to consume cod, it can be processed by boiling it and making it into soup.

5. Shrimp

About 4 large shrimps, when cooked, contain only around 26 calories. However, if you are a diet fighter, then you can consume it by adding boiled vegetables too. Not only that, shrimp also contain lots of protein, selenium, niacin and vitamin B12.