Zero Z Server Attack [PATCHED] 💣


Zero Z Server Attack

as the threat was presenting itself, it was at least a few hours before the falcon team could find enough human intelligence to be able to confidently identify the threat as a zero day. they began looking for indicators of compromise in the environment, finding several. additionally, the threat was very active and was able to successfully compile and deploy several files to the network. falcon complete had the ability to quickly isolate impacted hosts, as well as tracking and deploying the associated webshells. the falcon team was able to successfully remove the webshells from the impacted hosts, and further isolate the threat.

this zero day is a particularly dangerous threat because of the ability to compromise applications that customers rely upon. the falcon complete team was able to detect and stop the threat, and mitigate the threat quickly. this is a world-class security operations team that is aware of the risks posed by cyber threats, and the importance of being able to quickly stop a threat in its tracks. its not about who is right or wrong, its about who is able to stop the threat first.

the teams quick, effective, and complete response to this threat is a testament to the falcon complete teams ability to rapidly assess and address threats, and the dedication of the team to rapidly resolve the issues at hand. as demonstrated, no single tool can stand alone. falcon complete is able to quickly identify attacks, rapidly isolate the host, remove the webshell, and keep customers informed of the attacks activity throughout the entire process. today, customers are not only aware of threats, but of how the falcon complete team works to ensure that threats are stopped.

zpa is in essence an orchestration framework that sits on top of active directory and domain services. zpa discovers users and devices in their current context, rather than considering them as static devices.
zpa then dynamically adds firewall rules to your microsoft enterprise network that protect against the identified threats. zpa avoids blindly blocking known ports, or worse yet, blocking common inbound ports. this is why zpa is able to protect your private apps and server communication at such an alarming rate.
in this post, we will be detailing the detailed proactive threat prevention (zpa) functionality that we have been building in our falcon advanced threat protection product. the example use-case discussed in the blog can be found here .
throughout this post, the term zds will be used to refer to a zero-day attack we see every single day. a zds refers to an attack that allows an attacker to remotely take control of a systems network services. that is, being able to view or control an active systems network services (e.g., ftp, http, etc.) without needing to compromise and/or interact with any user or device on the network.
zpa leverages the ability of the falcon advanced threat prevention engine to use one of the most powerful features that we offer to identify zero-day threats by checking common threat vectors like: http, https, ftp, dcom, anywhere (remote desktop, instant messaging, etc.), email, port scanning, etc.
zpa uses sophisticated checks of network addresses and detection of probe traffic to check for all known inbound attacks and threats in an instant. this lets us bypass the legacy static blocking approach (e.g., block ports, allowing exceptions). zpa detects known threat traffic, allowing us to block and protect at a network level, rather than relying on user-based blockers and exceptions.