5 Traditional American Breads That Have Different Textures and Tastes

5 Traditional American Breads That Have Different Textures and Tastes

Bread is one of the culinary delights that is widely consumed by people in western countries, including America. Bread is made from basic ingredients of flour, yeast, butter and sugar. Some breads also use an egg mixture to soften the bread dough. In America, bread is not only often eaten for breakfast, but also for school children’s lunches. Bread has a high carbohydrate content so it can provide energy for those who eat it. Since bread is one of the staple foods in America, of course there are many variations of traditional bread or classic bread that have been around for a long time. Below are several types of traditional American bread which have different textures and tastes, namely:

1. Bagels

The first traditional American bread was the bagel. Even though this bread is thought to originate from Poland, this bread tends to be known as a classic American bread. Its first appearance in the 1880s was due to immigrants who came to America and introduced it to the Lower East Side, New York. Bagel is a unique bread because it has a slightly chewy texture compared to most breads. Bagels are usually eaten with just a spread of butter, but there are also those who make them as sandwiches with various fillings such as chicken, smoked beef, lettuce, and other vegetables according to https://orbakers.com/.

2. Cornbread

Corn bread is a type of traditional American bread that at first glance is similar to cake. Even though corn bread is bread made from corn flour. Corn flour itself is the type of flour most widely used in America. Corn bread has a soft texture with slightly dense pores. The taste is quite sweet so it is often eaten with jam and honey.

3. Johnny Cake

Hearing the name certainly feels a bit foreign because Johnny cake is not very popular compared to other traditional American breads. Johnny cake is bread that at first glance is very similar to pancakes because it has a flat, round shape. This traditional American bread is made from corn flour so it has a different aroma, taste and texture. Johnny cake is a staple food in Rhode Island, a part of the United States.

4. California Sourdough Bread

Next there is California sourdough bread which is included in the typical American sourdough bread category. As the name suggests, this bread comes from California. The characteristic of this bread is its slightly hard texture with a very hollow inside. Usually this bread is eaten with a spread of butter or fruit jam as a breakfast menu along with a cup of warm coffee.

5. Pan de Mallorca

Lastly there is pan de mallorca which is a traditional American bread that has a sweet taste. Pan de mallorca is a sweet bread from Puerto Rico that is often eaten in the morning with espresso or hot americano. The texture of this sweet bread is very soft and has a tempting aroma because it uses quite a lot of butter in it.