Find Out About the Typical Drinks of These Seven Different Countries

Find Out About the Typical Drinks of These Seven Different Countries

In the midst of the hot summer weather, of course sipping a fresh drink that can quench your thirst is a pleasure in itself. It feels like you found an oasis in the middle of the desert. If Indonesia has cendol ice, mixed ice and also fruit ice which are a mainstay when thirst strikes, other countries also have fresh drinks which are a mainstay of quenching thirst.

1. Sgroppino from Italy

Reporting from you can find this drink in every restaurant in Italy. This drink consists of a mixture of lemon, prosecco and vodka. This iced cocktail is not only popular with native Italians, but also foreign tourists because of its refreshing taste.

2. Lava Flow from Hawaii

If you go to Hawaii, it won’t be complete if you don’t try this drink. The mixture of this drink is coconut, rum, banana, as well as a combination of pineapple and strawberries. Fresh and sour flavors will mingle on your tongue.

3. Caipirinha from Brazil

Caipirinha is a classic drink for Brazilians. get ready to get an unforgettable freshness when drinking this drink. The mixture of this drink is lemon and syrup.

4. Sidecar from France

Sidecar is the best drink in France, precisely in the city of Paris. This drink has been made since 1920. This very delicious drink is made from a mixture of lemon and syrup. To give it a sweet taste, vanilla ice cream is usually added to the sidecar

5. Mojito from Cuba

If you want to feel a refreshing cold sensation, Mojito is the right choice. This drink is a combination of lemon, syrup, mint leaves.

6. Pisco Sour from Peru

Pisco Sour is very popular in Peru. Many tourists come to Peru to taste this drink. Since 1900, this drink has been made in Peru. Pisco Sour is made from white wine, fresh lemon, syrup, egg whites and Angostura.

7. Margarita from Mexico

The last fresh drink that you should try is Margarita. This classic drink originates from Mexico. The secret recipe of this drink is the composition of the freshly squeezed lemonade.