Cheap Places to Eat in Japan that You Must Try

Cheap Places to Eat in Japan that You Must Try

Being able to travel around the world is certainly a dream for many people, including you, of course. Experiencing various conditions in other countries, from the food to the culture. It’s really very interesting isn’t it? Moreover, Japan, of course, has become one of the countries that are included in your holiday wishlist, right?

The country that is known for its Sakura Flowers never fails to attract people to come, one of which is its unique food, you know! Not yet repeated with the decoration of the dining area to the restaurant which is indeed not the same as those in Indonesia. The more curious is not it? Let’s take a peek at some of the directions for cheap places to eat in Japan next follow us for more.

1. Donburi Restaurant

Of course, you are no stranger to this, except that usually places to eat in Japan use more bowls compared to plates like those in Indonesia. This is precisely what makes it even more unique compared to the typical food of other countries, you know! You can see one of them at the Donburi Restaurant when you stop by in Japan. Donburi itself is a typical Japanese food style in the form of white rice combined with various types of side dishes in one full bowl.

2. Yatai

You could say that this Japanese dining area is quite different from the others, this is more in the form of a street food cart but the Japanese version. The shape which is quite simple like an ordinary wooden cart is what makes this Yatai dining area look more attractive and unique for you travelers. What’s more unique here is that there are absolutely no benches for eating, you know! Everyone who buys here will be allowed to eat standing up.

3. Kaitenzushi

Kaitenzushi is one of the places to eat cheap sushi in Japan, you know! Indeed, it doesn’t taste good, including if you go to Japan, don’t try this one food anyway. Interestingly, when you eat sushi in this area, all the sushi will be placed on a belt or sushi table which can be added with a moving belt.

4. Restaurants With Meal Tickets

Apart from being known for its thick culture, it cannot be denied that Japan is one of the countries that have advanced and modern technology, you know! You can also see this directly from the existence of restaurants where the mechanism for eating is using food tickets. You could say it’s unique, because from paying to choosing the food, you will use a machine or tool that has been provided beforehand.