
How to Derive the Debye-Huckel-Onsager Equation for Electrolyte Solutions in PDF Format

The Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation is a theoretical expression that relates the mean ionic activity coefficient of an electrolyte solution to its ionic strength and temperature. The equation is based on the Debye-Huckel theory, which considers the electrostatic interactions between ions in a solution and their effect on the chemical potential and activity of each ion. The equation is useful for extrapolating thermodynamic quantities to low solute molality or infinite dilution, where the electrostatic interactions are dominant.

In this article, we will show you how to derive the Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation for electrolyte solutions in PDF format. PDF stands for Portable Document Format, which is a file format that preserves the layout and appearance of a document across different platforms and devices. PDF files can be created and viewed using various software tools, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word. To derive the Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation in PDF format, we will use Microsoft Word as an example.

Step 1: Write the basic form of the Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation

The basic form of the Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation for the logarithm of the mean ionic activity coefficient of an electrolyte solute is given by:

$$\ln \gamma_{\pm} = -A_{DH}|z_+z_-|I_m^{1/2}\left(1 + B_{DH}aI_m^{1/2}\right)^{-1}$$

where $\gamma_{\pm}$ is the mean ionic activity coefficient, $z_+$ and $z_-$ are the charge numbers of the cation and anion of the solute, $I_m$ is the ionic strength on a molality basis defined by $I_m = \frac{1}{2}\sum_i m_i z_i^2$, where $m_i$ and $z_i$ are the molality and charge number of ion $i$, $a$ is the distance of closest approach of two ions, and $A_{DH}$ and $B_{DH}$ are constants that depend on the solvent properties and temperature.

To write this equation in Microsoft Word, you can use the equation editor tool, which can be accessed from the Insert tab or by pressing Alt + =. You can type the equation using LaTeX syntax or use the symbols and templates from the equation toolbar. You can also adjust the font size, style, and alignment of the equation as you wish.

Step 2: Write the expressions for the constants ADH and BDH

The constants $A_{DH}$ and $B_{DH}$ appearing in the Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation are defined by:

$$A_{DH} = \frac{N_A^2 e^3}{8\pi}\left(\frac{2\rho_A^*}{\epsilon_r \epsilon_0 R T}\right)^{3/2}$$

$$B_{DH} = N_A e \left(\frac{2\rho_A^*}{\epsilon_r \epsilon_0 R T}\right)^{1/2}$$

where $N_A$ is the Avogadro constant, $e$ is the elementary charge, $\rho_A^*$ and $\epsilon_r$ are the density and relative permittivity (dielectric constant) of the solvent, $\epsilon_0$ is the electric constant (or permittivity of vacuum), $R$ is the gas constant, and $T$ is the absolute temperature.

To write these equations in Microsoft Word, you can use the same method as in Step 1.

Step 3: Write the derivation steps for the Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation

The derivation of the Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation involves several steps that combine electrostatic theory, statistical mechanical theory, and thermodynamics. A brief outline of these steps is given below:

  1. Consider an individual ion of species $i$ as it moves through the solution; call it the central ion. Around this central ion, the time-average spatial distribution of any ion species $j$ is not random, on account of the interaction of these ions of species $j$ with the central ion. The distribution must be spherically symmetric about
    the central ion; that is,
    a function only
    the distance
    the center
    the ion.
  2. Assume that
    the local concentration,
    the ions
    a given value
    depends on
    the ion charge
    $z_j e$
    the electric potential
    at that position.
    The time-average electric potential in turn depends on
    the distribution
    of all ions
    is symmetric about
    the central ion,
    so expressions must be found for
    $c_j’$ and $\phi$
    as functions of
    that are mutually consistent.
  3. Assume that $c_j’$ is given by
    the Boltzmann distribution:
  4. $$c_j’ = c_j e^{-z_j e \phi / k T}$$

  5. Expand
    the exponential function
    in powers
    and retain only
    the first two terms:
  6. $$c_j’ \approx c_j (1 – z_j e \phi / k T)$$

  7. Find
    the electric potential function
    consistent with this distribution
    and with
    the electroneutrality
    the solution as a whole:
  8. $$\phi = \frac{z_i e}{4\pi \epsilon_r \epsilon_0 r}e^{-\kappa(a-r)}/(1 + \kappa a)$$

  9. Here $\kappa$ is defined by $\kappa^2 = 2 N_A^2 e^2 I_c / \epsilon_r \epsilon_0 R T$, where $I_c$ is
    the ionic strength on a concentration basis defined by $I_c = (1/2)\sum_i c_i z_i^2$. The electric potential $\phi$
    at a point is assumed to be a sum
    of two contributions:
    the electric potential
    the central ion would cause at infinite dilution,
    $z_i e / 4\pi \epsilon_r \epsilon_0 r$, and
    the electric potential due to all other ions,
    is equal to $\phi – z_i e / 4\pi \epsilon_r \epsilon_0 r$, or
  10. $$\phi’ = \frac{z_i e}{4\pi \epsilon_r \epsilon_0 r}[e^{-\kappa(a-r)}/(1 + \kappa a) – 1]$$

  11. This expression for $\phi’$ is valid for distances from
    the center
    the central ion down to $a$,
    the distance
    of closest approach
    of other ions.
    At smaller values
    is constant
    and equal to
    the value at
    $r = a$, which is $\phi'(a) = -(z_i e / 4\pi \epsilon_r \epsilon_0)\kappa / (1 + \kappa a)$.
  12. The interaction energy between
    the central ion
    the surrounding ions (the ion atmosphere)
    the product
    the central ion charge
    and $\phi'(a)$.
  13. The change in chemical potential due to this interaction energy is equal to minus RT times ln γ i , where γ i is
    the single-ion activity coefficient.
  14. The mean ionic activity coefficient γ ± can be obtained from γ i using Eq. 10.3.8 and simplifying using some approximations.
  15. The final result is Eq. 10.4.1.

To write these steps in Microsoft Word, you can use bullet points or numbered lists to organize your text. You can also use indentation, spacing, and font styles to emphasize different parts of your text. You can also insert equations using the same method as in Step 1 and Step 2.


In this article, we have shown you how to derive the Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation for electrolyte solutions in PDF format. We have explained the basic form of the equation and the expressions for the constants ADH and BDH. We have also outlined the derivation steps that combine electrostatic theory, statistical mechanical theory, and thermodynamics. The Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation is a useful tool for extrapolating thermodynamic quantities to low solute molality or infinite dilution, where the electrostatic interactions between ions are dominant.

To derive the Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation in PDF format, we have used Microsoft Word as an example. However, you can use other software tools that support PDF creation and viewing, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Google Docs. You can also find online resources that provide more details and examples of the derivation, such as

We hope you have enjoyed this article and learned something new about the Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation and its derivation in PDF format. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at Thank you for reading![2].md
