Download Game Lost In Blue


How to Download and Play Lost in Blue, a Survival Game for Android Devices

If you are looking for a new and exciting survival game to play on your Android device, you might want to check out Lost in Blue. This game will put you in the shoes of a plane crash survivor who must collect resources, craft weapons and tools, build facilities and houses, and battle various threats on a mysterious island. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Lost in Blue, including how to download and play it, and why you should give it a try.

What is Lost in Blue?

A brief introduction to the game’s premise, genre, and features

Lost in Blue is a survival sandbox game developed by Volcano Force for Android devices. It is inspired by the popular Survival Kids series that was released on Game Boy Color and Nintendo DS. The game features a rich and diverse open world that you can explore and interact with using either the touch screen or the standard control buttons. You can also team up with other players from around the world and form friendships or rivalries.

The game’s main mode is Story Mode, where you follow the story of your character as they try to find a way to get off the island. You can choose from four different characters, each with their own background, personality, and skills. You can also customize your character’s appearance, clothes, and accessories. As you progress through the story, you will encounter various events, quests, puzzles, secrets, and enemies that will test your survival skills.

The game also has a Sandbox Mode, where you can create your own scenarios and challenges using the game’s editor. You can set up your own island, weather, resources, animals, enemies, buildings, traps, and more. You can also share your creations with other players online and try out their creations as well.

The game’s developer, publisher, and release date

Lost in Blue is developed by Volcano Force, a Chinese studio that specializes in mobile games. The studio was founded in 2015 by veterans from Tencent Games, NetEase Games, Perfect World Entertainment, Gameloft, and other well-known companies. The studio’s mission is to create high-quality games that are fun, innovative, and immersive.

The game is published by Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd., a Japanese company that is famous for producing video games such as Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Castlevania, Pro Evolution Soccer, Dance Dance Revolution, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and more. Konami is also the original publisher of the Survival Kids series that inspired Lost in Blue.

The game was released on June 14th 2022 for Android devices. It is currently available in English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Korean, French (France), German (Germany), Spanish (Spain), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (Russia), Turkish (Turkey), Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Indonesian (Indonesia), Thai (Thailand), Vietnamese (Vietnam), Malay (Malaysia), Filipino (Philippines), Hindi (India), Bengali (Bangladesh), Tamil (India), Telugu (India), Urdu (Pakistan), Persian (Iran), Nepali (Nepal), Sinhala (Sri Lanka), Khmer (Cambodia), Lao (Laos), Myanmar (Burma), Mongolian (Mongolia),

How to Download Lost in Blue from Google Play Store

The steps to find and install the game on your Android device

Downloading Lost in Blue from Google Play Store is very easy and fast. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
  2. Search for “Lost in Blue” in the search bar.
  3. Tap on the game icon that has a blue background and a white plane.
  4. Tap on the green “Install” button and wait for the game to download and install.
  5. Tap on the “Open” button or find the game icon on your home screen or app drawer and tap on it to launch the game.

Congratulations, you have successfully downloaded and installed Lost in Blue on your Android device. You can now start playing the game and enjoy the adventure.

The game’s size, rating, and in-app purchases

Before you download Lost in Blue, you might want to know some information about the game’s size, rating, and in-app purchases. Here are some facts you should know:

  • The game’s size is about 1.5 GB, so make sure you have enough storage space on your device before downloading it.
  • The game’s rating is 4.4 out of 5 stars on Google Play Store, based on over 100,000 reviews from users. Most users praise the game’s graphics, gameplay, story, and multiplayer features.
  • The game’s in-app purchases range from $0.99 to $99.99 per item. You can buy various items such as coins, gems, energy, VIP membership, and more. These items can help you progress faster, unlock more content, and enhance your experience. However, they are not necessary to play the game, and you can still enjoy the game without spending any money.

Now that you know more about Lost in Blue, you can decide whether you want to download it or not. If you do, you can follow the steps above and start playing right away.

How to Play Lost in Blue

The basic gameplay mechanics and objectives

Lost in Blue is a survival sandbox game that requires you to use your skills and creativity to survive on a deserted island. The game has two main modes: Story Mode and Sandbox Mode. In Story Mode, you follow the plot of your chosen character as they try to escape from the island. In Sandbox Mode, you create your own scenarios and challenges using the game’s editor.

In both modes, you need to do the following things:

  • Collect resources such as wood, stone, metal, plants, fruits, animals, and more. You can use these resources to craft weapons, tools, equipment, furniture, decorations, and more.
  • Build facilities and houses using the resources you collected. You can build shelters, farms, workshops, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, storage rooms, and more. You can also upgrade your buildings and add more features to them.
  • Battle various threats such as wild animals, zombies, pirates, bandits, mutants, and more. You can use your weapons and tools to fight them off or avoid them altogether. You can also tame some animals and make them your pets or allies.
  • Explore the island and discover its secrets. You can find hidden caves, ancient ruins, mysterious temples, crashed planes, sunken ships, and more. You can also solve puzzles and quests that will reward you with items or information.
  • Interact with other players online or offline. You can join or create a clan with other players and cooperate or compete with them. You can also chat with them using text or voice messages. You can also play offline with AI-controlled characters that will help you or hinder you depending on your actions.

These are the basic gameplay mechanics and objectives of Lost in Blue. You can learn more about them by playing the game yourself or by reading the game’s tutorial and guide.

The tips and tricks to survive and thrive on the island

Lost in Blue is a challenging game that will test your survival skills and creativity. However, there are some tips and tricks that can help you survive and thrive on the island. Here are some of them:

  • Keep an eye on your health, hunger, thirst, energy, temperature,
  • Keep an eye on your health, hunger, thirst, energy, temperature, and mood bars. These are the indicators of your physical and mental condition. If any of them drops too low, you will suffer negative effects or even die. To prevent this, you need to eat, drink, rest, warm up, cool down, and have fun regularly.
  • Plan ahead and prioritize your tasks. You need to balance your time and resources between collecting, crafting, building, fighting, exploring, and interacting. You also need to prepare for different situations such as day and night cycles, weather changes, enemy attacks, and random events. You can use the game’s map, journal, and inventory to help you plan and organize.
  • Use the game’s features and options to your advantage. You can adjust the game’s difficulty level, graphics quality, sound volume, control scheme, language, and more according to your preference. You can also use the game’s tutorial, guide, tips, and help menus to learn more about the game’s mechanics and functions.
  • Be creative and experiment with different combinations and strategies. You can craft hundreds of different items using various resources and recipes. You can build different types of facilities and houses using different materials and designs. You can fight different enemies using different weapons and tactics. You can explore different areas using different methods and tools. You can interact with different players using different modes and messages.

These are some of the tips and tricks that can help you play Lost in Blue better. However, the best way to learn is by playing the game yourself and discovering your own style and preferences.

Why You Should Play Lost in Blue

The game’s strengths and advantages over other survival games

Lost in Blue is not just another survival game. It is a unique and immersive game that offers many strengths and advantages over other survival games. Here are some of them:

  • The game has a rich and diverse open world that you can explore and interact with. The island has various biomes such as forests, beaches, mountains, deserts, swamps, caves, and more. The island also has dynamic weather systems such as rain, snow, fog, wind, thunderstorms, and more. The island also has realistic day and night cycles that affect the environment and gameplay.
  • The game has a compelling and engaging story mode that you can follow or ignore as you wish. The story mode has four different characters that you can choose from, each with their own background, personality, and skills. The story mode also has various events, quests, puzzles, secrets, and enemies that will test your survival skills. The story mode also has multiple endings that depend on your choices and actions.
  • The game has a fun and creative sandbox mode that you can customize and share with other players. The sandbox mode allows you to create your own scenarios and challenges using the game’s editor. You can set up your own island, weather, resources, animals, enemies, buildings, traps, and more. You can also share your creations with other players online and try out their creations as well.
  • The game has a social and cooperative multiplayer mode that you can enjoy with other players. The multiplayer mode allows you to join or create a clan with other players and cooperate or compete with them. You can chat with them using text or voice messages. You can also trade with them, help them, fight them, or betray them.

These are some of the game’s strengths and advantages over other survival games. They make Lost in Blue a unique and immersive game that you should play if you love survival games.

The game’s challenges and drawbacks that add to the fun and difficulty

Lost in Blue is not an easy game. It is a challenging game that will make you work hard and think smart to survive on the island. The game also has some challenges and drawbacks that add to the fun and difficulty of the game. Here are some of them:

  • The game has a realistic and harsh survival system that requires you to manage your physical and mental condition. You need to eat, drink, rest, warm up, cool down, and have fun regularly to avoid negative effects or death. You also need to deal with diseases, injuries, infections, poisonings, and more.
  • The game has a limited and scarce resource system that requires you to collect and craft wisely. You need to find and gather resources such as wood, stone, metal, plants, fruits, animals, and more. You also need to craft weapons, tools, equipment, furniture, decorations, and more using these resources. However, the resources are limited and scarce on the island, so you need to use them sparingly and efficiently.
  • The game has a dangerous and unpredictable enemy system that requires you to fight or flee smartly. You need to face various threats such as wild animals, zombies, pirates, bandits, mutants, and more. You also need to deal with random events such as storms, earthquakes, fires, floods, and more. You can use your weapons and tools to fight them off or avoid them altogether. However, the enemies are dangerous and unpredictable, so you need to be careful and alert.
  • The game has a complex and diverse gameplay system that requires you to learn and master many skills and functions. You need to learn how to collect, craft, build, fight, explore, and interact using the game’s mechanics and features. You also need to learn how to use the game’s map, journal, inventory, editor, and more. However, the game has a lot of content and options that can be overwhelming and confusing at first, so you need to be patient and curious.

These are some of the game’s challenges and drawbacks that add to the fun and difficulty of the game. They make Lost in Blue a challenging and rewarding game that you should play if you love survival games.


A summary of the main points and a recommendation to try the game

Lost in Blue is a survival sandbox game for Android devices that will put you in the shoes of a plane crash survivor who must survive on a mysterious island. The game has two main modes: Story Mode and Sandbox Mode. The game also has a rich and diverse open world, a compelling and engaging story mode, a fun and creative sandbox mode, a social and cooperative multiplayer mode, a realistic and harsh survival system, a limited and scarce resource system, a dangerous and unpredictable enemy system, and a complex and diverse gameplay system. The game also has many strengths and advantages over other survival games, as well as some challenges and drawbacks that add to the fun and difficulty of the game.

If you are looking for a new and exciting survival game to play on your Android device, you should definitely try Lost in Blue. It is a unique and immersive game that will test your survival skills and creativity. You can download it from Google Play Store for free and start playing right away. You can also visit the game’s official website, Facebook page, Twitter account, YouTube channel, Discord server, Reddit community, or Instagram account for more information and updates.

Five unique FAQs about the game

Q: How can I save my progress in the game?A: The game automatically saves your progress every time you exit the game or switch modes. You can also manually save your progress by tapping on the menu button on the top right corner of the screen and selecting “Save”.
Q: How can I change my character’s appearance or clothes?A: You can change your character’s appearance or clothes by tapping on the menu button on the top right corner of the screen and selecting “Character”. You can then choose from various options such as hair style, hair color, eye color, skin tone, face shape, facial features, clothes, accessories, and more. You can also buy more items using coins or gems.
Q: How can I play with other players online?A: You can play with other players online by tapping on the menu button on the top right corner of the screen and selecting “Multiplayer”. You can then choose from various options such as joining or creating a clan, inviting or joining a friend, or entering a random match. You can also chat with other players using text or voice messages.
Q: How can I create my own scenarios and challenges in sandbox mode?A: You can create your own scenarios and challenges in sandbox mode by tapping on the menu button on the top right corner of the screen and selecting “Sandbox”. You can then choose from various options such as creating a new island, editing an existing island, or loading a shared island. You can also use the game’s editor to customize your island’s settings, resources, animals, enemies, buildings, traps, and more.
Q: How can I get more coins or gems in the game?A: You can get more coins or gems in the game by doing various things such as completing quests, achievements, daily tasks, events, puzzles, and secrets. You can also get more coins or gems by watching ads, rating the game, inviting friends, joining a clan, or buying them with real money.

I hope this article has helped you learn more about Lost in Blue and how to download and play it. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for reading and have fun playing Lost in Blue.
