The Original Writings Of The Order And Sect Of The Illuminati Pdf 22 !!EXCLUSIVE!! 💪🏿


The Original Writings Of The Order And Sect Of The Illuminati Pdf 22

The successes of the Bavarian Illuminati caused the French to be alarmed. The State College in Mainz was declared the home of students of strategic studies and was actively used to support the order. Burleigh, the general in charge of recruiting in the German towns, described the attitude of the order’s members to the opposition like this: “A little familiar with European warfare, they are wild with enthusiasm [for the good of mankind]. Thousands of our students are enrolled among them. They committed themselves to our service [by joining] and for that reason alone deserve our gratitude.”[21] The number of French recruits being sent to the order was far greater than the number of Germans.

The French were also determined to break the Bavarian order. In 1781 two members, Lanteri and Diemer, revealed their involvement to the authorities. The first person tortured in Paris was a former stonemason named Omer Lange, who was guillotined on 29 October 1782. A German reported to have admitted the depth of his love of Georg for the order.[22] By the end of 1782, the French army had arrested 44 of the German order’s members. By the end of 1783, 30 were dead, while the rest of the order’s members scattered to other lodges. Only the Minervals in Munich and, under Knigge’s guidance, the Berlin lodge survived to fight the last battles of the order.[23]

The defeat of the lodges was followed by the disbandment of the overall order, with its Grandmaster Weishaupt being forced into exile. Many of its leading members became public figures, and the movement became a major focus for critics of the Bavarian Bishop, Alois Pfister.

While the broader French Freemasonry remained aloof from the Illuminati, Baron de Witte, the government-appointed French Consul in Aachen, used his contacts at the court of Frederick the Great to establish and head up a private French section of the order.
