NetZup Free Download [Latest-2022]

NetZup is a multipurpose management tool designed to help you identify online nodes, instal software remotely and silently, run software and hardware inventories, locate users (last known and current), and easily browse admin shares.







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There are many similar tools on the market, but NetZup has a few
distinguishing features:

It is a stealth mode tool that does not require administrator
privileges to operate. This is useful if you need to silently install
or uninstall software on machines from a remote site.
It is a reliable tool that is well tested and documented.
It is easy to use, even if you have no previous experience with Linux.
It includes GUI and command-line interfaces.
The GUI can be installed on any Debian, Red Hat, or CentOS distribution.

You can get it from the official website or by downloading the tar ball.


How can I select multiple rows from one database row into an array?

I am trying to SELECT a column from a table that has a row for each time a job is completed in a process. The row looks like this:
JobNumber Completed
1 6/10/2014
2 9/10/2014
3 12/11/2014

I can get a single row per job number:
SELECT Completed,
COUNT(Completed) as completed
FROM dbname
WHERE Completed = ‘yes’
GROUP BY Completed

What I need is a way to select a “list” of dates so I can have a list of completed jobs per date.
I have tried:
SELECT Completed,
DATE_FORMAT(Completed,’%m/%d/%Y’) as `date`
FROM dbname
WHERE Completed = ‘yes’
GROUP BY Completed

which gives me the following table:
Completed date
6/10/2014 2014-06-10
9/10/2014 2014-09-10
12/11/2014 2014-12-11

But I need it to group the dates as:
Completed Date
6/10/2014 6/10/2014
9/10/2014 9/

NetZup Crack With Key

-Gather information about all the online computers.
-NetZup gets information about installed software and hardware (installed programs, hardware (USB), Serial devices, webcams, VOIP, printers,…).
-Create a “physical inventory” of all computers in your network (that is, a list of all computers where NetZup is installed).
-Create “software inventory” of all installed software (what software you have on your computer).
-Identify information about all the users (user names, passwords, current computers,…) in your network.
-Communicate easily with remote computers.

NetZup is the ideal solution to manage your remote computers in a network easily.

Microsoft Windows

What’s new in version (2012/03/13)

-New versions of the datasource proxy (TLS) and rootkit.
-Bug correction in the main interface.
-New version of SkyDrive provider.
-Windows Update now updates NetZup (in French and English).

The basic functionality of NetZup is not restricted to only one or two operating systems. It can be used on a variety of systems as long as it is run on the LAN. It works in multiple different architectures and environments.

NetZup is an advanced software solution that allows you to identify, manage and control all of your computers and their different hardware components and software.

System Manager

NetZup System Manager (System Manager) is the integrated user interface to NetZup to run remote control. It allows you to control remote computers in real time, as well as to generate a variety of reports.

Remote Control

The goal of this section is to allow you to manage the remote computers, printers, USB devices, serial, webcams, VoIP, wireless and virtual servers.

Remote Control is powered by a set of tools that can be used to manage remotely all devices in your network and computers.

Remote management can also be used to manage servers remotely.

Quick Search

Quick Search allows you to quickly search the list of online computers.

Quick Search works with the information sources available and combines them all in order to provide the most accurate results.

Admin Shares

NetZup contains several administration shares in addition to a temporary share created automatically on the root of your computer.

The admin shares are created by default to allow you

NetZup Crack + Download

NetZup is a multipurpose management tool designed to help you identify online nodes, instal software remotely and silently, run software and hardware inventories, locate users (last known and current), and easily browse admin shares.

Main features:

NetZup can add new Windows and Linux nodes to your AD for workstation management and for securing new targets. NetZup allows you to silently install software remotely on any new Windows and Linux nodes using a utility from a user account without administrator privileges. NetZup can even be used as a remote shutdown utility!

Users can be located by their domain name, IP address, or e-mail. Your existing environment can be conveniently browsed with tree structures, sorted by company and user name.

NetZup can be installed on any Windows, Linux, BSD, OS/2, and Solaris systems. It can also be used on a FAT32 filesystem using its special internal utilities. It can be used to display information about all partitions and drives with a single command. The tool can be used to shutdown remote Windows nodes without administrator privileges or used to capture images of disks and memory. It can also store network information about all nodes on the network, such as who’s logged on to the network at this time, what they’re doing, etc.

Network statistics about all nodes on the network can be displayed and manipulated. It can be used to find and diagnose network problems. It can monitor remote and offline user accounts, and so you can even browse and shutdown accounts from anywhere in the world.

NetZup uses it own version of the LDAP protocol to store user account and node information, allowing you to connect to the local domain or to connect to any domain on the Internet.

NetZup also includes all the information about local and remote administrator accounts. Users can be added or deleted, their passwords changed, remote logon addresses changed, and a variety of other information can be retrieved and displayed.

The tool can run as a stand-alone tool, an SNMP manager, or as a Sysinternals utility.

NetZup is distributed as a set of three command-line tools and one self-installing HTML client. It can be found at


On a Windows system, netzup.exe should be installed as an administrator. It should be made available in the path and be accessible to all users.
On a Linux system

What’s New In?

NetZup is a multipurpose management tool designed to help you identify online nodes, instal software remotely and silently, run software and hardware inventories, locate users (last known and current), and easily browse admin shares.

NetZup Features:

Find Internet nodes

Find online users

Find remote computers on the network

Find local users

Find previous locations of users

Identify services and networks on the network

Find networked devices including printers, scanners, cameras, etc.

Find hardware inventory

Find USB devices including keyboards, mice, etc.

Scan shared printers

Run software on remote computers

Run software silently

Send software to user computers

Send software silently

Uninstall software silently

Install software silently

Find systems including Windows and Linux machines

Find physical systems including Windows and Linux machines

Find folders

Find files

Browse shares

Download files from shares

Unzip files

Find users

Find previous locations of users

Find networked printers

Scan shared printers

Find information on the network

Find system inventory

Find running services

Find running processes

Find running services and processes

Find hardware inventory

Scan shared printers

Find all hosts, devices, users, shares, folders, files, and more

Find users by name

Find users by location

Find users by IP address

Install software remotely

Install software silently

Run software remotely

Run software silently

Uninstall software remotely

Uninstall software silently

Find missing software

Find missing hardware

Find files and folders by name

Find files and folders by location

Find files and folders by extension

Find files and folders by date

Find files and folders by size

Find files and folders by creation date

Find files and folders by access date

Create, edit, and delete files and folders

Find files and folders by type

Find files and folders by extension

Find files and folders by size

Find files and folders by creation date

Find files and folders by access date

Find files and folders by owner

Find files and folders by group

Browse your computer, delete files, make changes

Find your Windows hosts

Install software on computers

Install software silently

Run software on computers

Run software silently

Uninstall software on computers

Uninstall software silently

Run software on servers

Run software silently

Uninstall software on servers

Uninstall software silently

Install software on printers

Find printers

Find print servers

Find shared printers

Find shared printers

Find printers on a network

Find shared printers on a network

Scan shared printers on!EXCLUSIVE!!!!

System Requirements:

Minimum system requirements are listed for each platform.
Sending full game screen captures is recommended.
Minimum system requirements and recommended specifications may be subject to change.
Supported OS:
Windows 7 or newer (64-bit)
macOS 10.10 or newer (64-bit)
Linux 4.14 or newer (64-bit)
Windows 7 or newer (64-bit) macOS 10.10 or newer (64-bit) Linux 4.14 or newer (64-bit) Key features: