Monologos De Dante Gebel Pdf Descargar 16 _HOT_ 📀


Monologos De Dante Gebel Pdf Descargar 16

dante gebel was born in boerne, texas, a city where he spent his early years and graduated from high school. subsequently, he obtained a degree in leadership and theology from southern baptist theological seminary in louisville, ky.

dante gebel had a meeting with the president of his favorite church, he hosted in his house, and later asked him to be their pastor. he decided to accept and was named as the pastor. in may 2010, gebel accepted the position of senior pastor of river church, anaheim, ca.

today, dante gebel is a known evangelical leader who also holds a great influence in the hispanic world. he has a weekly television show called “salaam namaste” on a channel in english and spanish that reaches 12 million people. he is an extraordinary preacher who has a unique gift to talk with youth and families in a very special way.

today, he has been in the ministry for more than 20 years. among the most memorable moments of his career are those he has with his wife liliana. she has given up a lot to help him and the couple have four sons and three daughters.

dante gebel has written several books: adventures in the abyss, medio olvido, las arenas del alma, el manuscrito secreto, de diluvio y del arc, descubre tu alma, y de enfermedades y curaciones de todos los tiempos, “cultivame tu cuerpo,” “estoy libre de tabaco,” and “ya tengo 20 años”.

he also publishes a magazine called the “north american clarion,” which is a publication that has chapters in various areas of the united states and helps churches and other evangelical groups by giving support and assistance. this magazine has a circulation of more than 40,000 copies.

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