Silent Hunter 5 1.2 Vitality [BETTER] Crack Only Nitrol


Silent Hunter 5 1.2 Vitality Crack Only Nitrol

Why This is the highest level I try to play as a Silent Hunter, as it allows me to fight better in heavily populated areas and on maps with thick foliage, and also features a variety of ammo types and weapons to select from, as well as single and mutiple loadout slots. I also found that I enjoy the stat-buffing effects of wilderness areas in the multiplayer game, and my Bullet Shooter stats were the highest possible at level 15.

Why I have tried most of the weapons and learned what works best for me and what doesn’t, with my preference of the cutlass being the universal weapon, and the quad derringer being my Silent Hunter weapon of choice.

Why There are a couple of silent weapons that I want to mention; Firstly, the Molotok is a unique weapon that is the clear winner when going after ‘prone’ Cops and Hives. It has a 50% silencer that silences your gun, but not your brain. It will even properly decouple the Slaver and some shotguns. It is the best silent weapon in the game, and because it’s also great at dual wielding, I only ever fire it while dual wielding. Secondly, I want to talk about the PUPPUMSky Rifle which is a silenced model of the Hunting rifle. It’s a pretty bad weapon, but I will take it over any other silenced rifle because I can just throw it into a building and not worry about it, and still kill enemies without worrying about them dying from gunshots. It does however seem to be a high drop rate item.

When you unlock the pistol, it can only be gotten through the mission where you escort a nurse back to the S.T.A.R. Lab. It is a good weapon to use if youre the first person to arrive at an area, as it is silent and will kill infantry and Armoreds as well as deal decent damage, which is often of a more important concern than silence when youre in your first-to-arrive area.

Why This one is a bit more fluid. I always have at least one large vitality shot, and the Hellfire Bomb is an explosive version of the firebomb that is basically a must have for killing downed hunters and their buddies. It causes bleeding you get within the explosive radius, and obviously causes fire damage as well.
When not equipped the primary sidearm is the Ruger PPC, and it is not so silent as the Nagant, so it’s really only useful in the stealthiest situations. As expected it operates like a shotgun and fires explosive multi-part rounds that can be pre-taped to targets, and has a sweet-spot in close quarters where it is very effective.
For a silent gun it has a lot of stopping power. Many hunters switch to dual guns when running and gunning it can work well in the Dual-Wielding method or if your Aiming Aversion has been reduced to a higher level, although you shouldn’t run the risk of getting hit in the back as dual-wielders can be more easily attacked from behind.
The Savage automatic rifle allows the hunter to spend time aiming it and walk without worrying about being accidentally hit. It’s recharge rate makes it an excellent choice for outdoors, as you can charge it when waiting for targets or crouched behind cover, and allow yourself the time needed to be more vigilant, as you are not depending on it. It’s only drawback is that its accuracy is mediocre compared to the Nagant, but it does lay down a lot of lead.
The Nagant Silent has only two uses. The first is when you are absolutely desperate and need to take care of some high value targets you are unlikely to be able to sneak up on. The second is to to create a distraction and allow you to dash in and make a quick surprise fire, which is useful for when you know a mob is coming soon and you want to waste as few bullets as possible. It has some recoil, but this is not surprising when its the only weapon you can use to do silent shots.