Forge Your Future Book Pdf Free |TOP| 107 ⊳

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Forge Your Future Book Pdf Free 107

115. the task of the church is to seek to heal the wounds of the past and to play an active role in the future. as she is called upon to represent god on earth, she is challenged to point the way to a future free of violence and injustice. she must help to forge a culture of peace and justice, with an end to acts of violence, every form of greed and injustice, and a rejection of any form of terrorism. [103]

142. the churchs witness to christ, as those who are called to live the truth in love, is at the service of all peoples and nations. when we approach others in a spirit of humility and respect, we open up the possibility of dialogue. we invite them to open their hearts and minds to our own beliefs, thoughts and values. we promote the respect for others and their fundamental rights, through respect for the dignity of every human being. we seek to promote a culture of peace and justice in the world. we promote the rights of peoples to live in freedom, democracy and justice. we promote the rights of all human beings to live as full members of the human family.

105. the question of respect for human rights is one of the most vital in the present world. respect for human rights is the best and most effective antidote to poverty and the best means of promoting true development. poverty and hunger are the root causes of most of the worlds ills. these are the evils we must combat. one of the most effective and efficient ways of doing this is by ensuring that economic growth does not lead to the impoverishment of the people, so that they can enjoy the benefits of development. with this in mind, the principle of solidarity must not be ignored, and we must not forget that respect for human rights is a basic condition for everyone to develop properly. the more developed nations must help to give their less developed counterparts the right to development.

216. in the same vein, in the field of human rights, i have repeatedly called upon governments to open their democratic processes to the participation of all segments of society, by means of referenda and plebiscites, as well as by means of the organization of consultative dialogues and debates, so that the views of the great majority of the population can be heard. [157] for, in this way, a greater sense of participation and a more democratic political culture will be produced, which will in turn inspire greater respect for the principles of freedom and justice.
223. freedom of expression and the freedom to receive information, on the other hand, are of the very essence of a democratic society, not only for the effective functioning of political systems, but also for the survival of each individual. [158] in the field of justice, i have stressed the need for the creation of a global tribunal system, able to intervene in the presence of the most serious violations of human rights, and to ensure appropriate punishment for the perpetrators. [159] this is also the best way to ensure that the values of the international community are respected, and to defend the universality of human rights. the most appropriate instruments of defence will be the actions of the international criminal court and the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia.
188. the pandemic is not a case of “shock”, but a fundamental change, a crisis of values and a radical redefinition of the meaning of human life. this pandemic has revealed that many of the values that society holds dear are far from being in line with the true good of the human person. the world we lived in has been turned upside down and we need to rebuild it from scratch. we need to reassess the meaning of freedom, work, society, politics, family and rights. in a word, we need to be realigned with god: we need to be reconciled with the person that he is; we need to hear his voice and act on his message. [33] only in this way can we ensure that the ideal of family, the vital principle of socialization, and the common good of the human person be rediscovered, rather than being simply abandoned.