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Our top 10 list of the best torrent sites for video games not only provides a large number of, but also the best torrents for games that you can use. If youre looking for a torrent for a game, you can check the content in each category for best matches.

One of the best things about this list of the best torrent sites is that there are some official torrents included in some of the category pages. This means that the torrent files are legit, and you can download and use them without fear of malware.

The best torrents are often the ones that come with the most information about the games included in the download, which means that you can use those torrents to get the best experience possible. The files can be large, so you might want to use BitTorrent Sync in order to make sure that you can access your files when theyre downloaded.

The titles of the games you can download on a torrent site will include details like where to find the game, the total size of the file and even trailers and screensavers. You can find information like this on a torrent file, but doing so means you need to open up the file in a torrent client.

Remember that youll need to know where to find the torrent of a specific game, which is a different process than youll be used to with a traditional download service. By visiting the sample category pages and downloading each torrent file, youll get a sense of what you can expect on each torrenting site. You can keep track of the download process, by checking the status of the file within the torrent client as well.
