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You can download all those cracked versions of Windows, Office, movies and more, and then install them on your machine. Or, for the more sophisticated, you can download cracked cracked software using cracked software as an installer. And while that’s still using a cracked version of an app, at least it’s safe, right?

But in general, the idea of using a cracked version of an app doesn’t seem right to many people. These people don’t just download cracked software. They’re trusting complete strangers with their personal data. And that’s no small thing, since most companies have “kill switch” security measures in place. Your data could be lost, or there could be ramifications for you that you might not be aware of. After all, companies that put this much time and money into their customer service areas rarely disclose bad news to customers.

So, yes, there are bad guys. Unfortunately, there are many more good guys, too. Software developers are the guys that put the time, effort and resources into making their products the best they can be. And that’s not easy, to be sure. A software developer has to test software, see what flaws they can find, and fix them all.

Many developers receive input from their customers. But that input isn’t always positive. Customers are quick to point out flaws in software, and it’s often a very small flaw that would likely go unnoticed by a casual user. But if it’s a flaw in the programming of the product, it could stop the product from running properly for a customer.

So many of the worlds problems today can be traced to the defective nature of the software. That being said, there are a lot of good people that are working hard to make our lives better. Software developers are the ones who write web browsers and operating systems. They build operating systems and office suites. They make internet browsers.
