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K-meleon is a site that allows you to browse through the largest selection of free software without paying a penny. All you need to do is click a link at the bottom of the page and it will take you to a fast download page. In addition to the normal categories of software, you can also choose to download it for free via torrent sites like Rapidshare.

K-Lite is a website that lets you download software for free. It has got a very user-friendly interface with a simple and easy to use search engine for finding the programs you need. Most programs come with an installer, and you can easily install them once the program is downloaded.

Softonic is a popular download website that lets you download games for free. In addition to standard categories, this website also has the option to download from torrent websites like Zwiebelreporter and Rapidshare. The website has a simple interface but its flexibility allows you to select programs quickly.

FreeGameList has a service that allows you to instantly download games from almost 200 different sources. It allows you to browse through the categories and download games for free with just one click. The web interface is also very simple and easy to use.

P2P-DL offers you the chance to download software for free. It has a nice and easy to use interface and can be filtered by category. It even allows you to specify a download size, which is a great feature that is not offered by many other websites.

Softipline has an extremely easy to use interface where you can search for software by category and your desired features. It also allows you to download software from torrent websites like Rapidshare.
