AutoCAD Crack [2022-Latest]







AutoCAD 20.0 Crack Free Download

AutoCAD’s user interface is based on the platform-independent Unified Modeling Language (UML), which was first released in 1990. AutoCAD is the most widely used, adopted and profitable CAD product in the world and was named “best engineering product” by Engineering News Record (ENR) in 2012. AutoCAD enables users to create computer-aided design and drafting (CAD) documents for 2D and 3D object engineering, modeling, and data exchange. Users can read and write DWG (Drawing) and DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) files and view and annotate drawings with the DWG toolbars.

Until 2013, AutoCAD’s main user base was the engineering, architecture and construction (EAC) industries. In 2013, however, AutoCAD found new markets such as product lifecycle management (PLM), building information modeling (BIM), database modeling, reverse engineering, digital fabrication, interactive and multimedia, and mobile design. Other industries that adopt AutoCAD include utilities, power, automotive, machine tools, aerospace, defense, medical, and architecture and construction.

In 2009, two new applications of AutoCAD were introduced. VectorWorks Architecture (VXA) is a suite of tools that integrates vector-based drawing, design, and modeling with real-time 3D visualization, inspection, and simulation. AutoCAD Architectural Desktop (ADT) is a hybrid AutoCAD application with architectural tools and modeling capabilities. In 2013, two new products, AutoCAD Mechanical and AutoCAD Electrical, were released. In 2014, three new products were introduced: AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Mechanical and AutoCAD Electrical; and AutoCAD LT. In 2016, two new products were released: AutoCAD LT 2016 and AutoCAD Architecture.


“AutoCAD is one of the most powerful, widely used, and highly profitable CAD/CAM/CAE software products on the market. Its very success is due to its highly integrated platform and ease of use,” said Ron Korobkin, CEO of Autodesk. “While we never cease to add new capabilities, AutoCAD’s main strength is its ease of use and productivity, and that remains a constant.”

AutoCAD has found favor with a large number of industries and consumers. However, it is not designed for professional users but rather for the nonexpert. Nonetheless, AutoCAD provides

AutoCAD 20.0 Full Product Key Free Download

Beginners, without advanced training, can create custom macros and scripts.
More advanced users can access and write C++ programs and create APIs.

AutoCAD Cracked 2022 Latest Version extensions

AutoCAD Serial Key extensions let users add new commands and extensions that can be accessed from the user interface. It is common for a software vendor to create a number of extensions to give users a wider set of drawing options, especially for complex drawings that would be difficult to complete by hand.

Extensions in AutoCAD Product Key are developed for AutoCAD Free Download and similar products. In contrast, AutoCAD eXtensions (Ax) are developed for AutoCAD and older versions of AutoCAD. For example, in AutoCAD R14, extensions can be written for AutoCAD R13 and R14. The extension libraries that can be used are available from Autodesk and are described in the AutoCAD help.

The extension mechanism is also the basis for AutoLISP extensions. Extensions are developed as AutoCAD LISP programs, which are compiled and run inside AutoCAD. The extension interface is similar to that of the AutoLISP user interface.

In 2016, Autodesk launched an API-based extension mechanism that allows extensions to be written in any programming language, without the need for the AutoCAD LISP programming language. Extensions can be accessed using a set of APIs that run in the background, while the user works.

AutoCAD shapes
In previous versions of AutoCAD, one of the features of AutoCAD was to allow users to draw basic shapes, such as circles, rectangles and arcs. These shapes are an integral part of AutoCAD, but in the latest versions of AutoCAD, these shapes have been replaced with mesh-based features, the 3D Modeling functionality. These meshes also allow for greater flexibility when dealing with curved surfaces. For more complex shapes, one can use the “Cone Shape” tool. Cone shapes can be designed to have either a vertex at the base or vertex at the tip, and can be placed anywhere on a plane surface. The mesh-based shapes allow for the ability to place any number of these cones at any location.

In versions of AutoCAD prior to AutoCAD 2013, the user interface allowed for 2D drawing and modelling. In 2013, AutoCAD switched to a 3D model-based interface, the Model workspace. In Auto

AutoCAD 20.0 [Mac/Win] (2022)

If you have Autodesk Autocad activated, the first time you install the software, you will be prompted to “Unlock your license” in the activation window of the Autodesk Autocad. You can select here to “Unlock” your license or “Do not unlock”. If you select to not unlock your license, your license will be activated for use within a 30-day period, after which you will need to unlock your license again.

1. You can unlock the license for your Autodesk Autocad from the computer menu (top left corner).

2. Click on “Your Autodesk Autocad Licenses”.

3. Click on “Unlock now”.

4. Wait until Autodesk Autocad is installed.
5. You can now use Autodesk Autocad.

To add new users

1. Go to the users tab and click on “Add User”.

2. Enter the following details:

a. New user name

b. Company name (optional)

c. E-mail address

d. Password

e. User type. For example you can select an application user (i.e. engineers, architects, etc.) or a drawing user (i.e. draftsman, designer, etc.).

f. Click “Continue”

3. To add users to Autodesk Autocad, follow the same procedure to add them as “new users” and choose the user type you want.

4. Click on “Next” to the right of each user.

5. If you want to restrict access to some models, you can select “Editor” and “Author” for each model.

6. When you are done, click “Done” to add the user to Autodesk Autocad.

7. When you are done, go to the software menu and click on “Change”.

8. Select the user you want to use for opening Autodesk Autocad and click on “Change”.

9. If you want to restrict access to some models, you can select “Editor” and “Author” for each model.

10. When you are done, go to the users tab and click on “Add User”.

11. Enter the following details:

a. New user name

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Markup Assist gives you an easy way to annotate your models. These annotations can be viewed or hidden on one or all axes in an object (text, arrows, circles, etc.). Annotations have unlimited color and alpha, and can be used in your text, tag, tag cloud, building, etc. text editors.

See the video (above) to learn how to annotate in AutoCAD.

You can learn more about how to use annotations in AutoCAD here.

New Power Windows:

Introducing Power Windows: Windows that look great, fit your workflows, and save space.

Put up to four windows on the screen at once. Move, resize, and customize windows at any size, shape, or position. Position windows without arranging them in rows, columns, or both.

Lazy Rectangles, Lazy Circles, and more:

We are now releasing all three window styles in the new Power Windows, Lazy Rectangles, and Lazy Circles.

Automatically resize windows to fit their content.

Position windows where you want them.

Choose how you like to lay out windows.

Include more info in the Task Bar, and get the latest info in the Formatting Toolbar.

See the video (above) to learn more about the new Power Windows.

You can learn more about how to use Lazy Rectangles, Lazy Circles, and other window styles in AutoCAD here.

XAML for Metadata:

Now you can use the XAML language to store metadata in your drawings. XAML is a new data language that you can use to store any type of data in your drawings. It is more powerful than table-based formats and supports different types of data, including numeric, text, and dates.

Learn more about the new Metadata control and how to use it.

You can learn more about XAML for Metadata here.

Sketch a Sketch:

Using AutoCAD’s in-built Rotation and Translation tools, you can quickly create sketches that are based on a specific coordinate system. These sketches can be exported into any 2D or 3D drawing, allowing you to quickly create templates to be used as placeholders for other models, such as a floor plan, for example

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

– System Requirements:
Windows 7 or later
Mac OS X 10.11 or later
– Minimum:
OS: Windows Vista SP2 or later
Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
Graphics: Intel HD 3000 or AMD equivalent
DirectX: Version 11
Additional Notes:
– Additional Notes:In general, a pneumatic tire having