AutoCAD Crack For Windows







AutoCAD Crack+ [Latest]

The first AutoCAD software version was 3.0 released in May 1987 and was still dependent on the ad hoc nature of the workstation graphics controllers of the time. The first AutoCAD software version to support a common graphics controller was AutoCAD 2.0 released in 1989. In 1998 Autodesk introduced a client-server architecture with the release of AutoCAD 2000. This client-server architecture also replaced the ad hoc, peripheral-based graphics system used in earlier AutoCAD releases. This unified graphics system became the basis of all AutoCAD releases from AutoCAD 2000 through 2014.


On June 1, 1995, Autodesk released AutoCAD W1.2. This version was designed to run on Windows 3.1x. Later that year, Autodesk released AutoCAD for Windows 95. AutoCAD W1.2 introduced a completely new object architecture called the Basic Drawing Object, or BDO, which was introduced with version 2.0 of AutoCAD.

In 1999, Autodesk released AutoCAD W10.0. This version marked a shift in the object system for AutoCAD from a legacy system to a modern system that introduced custom and layered objects, the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) file format, layer management, and the ability to import and export data. This version also introduced the Surface Design application and the ability to export data to PDF, SVG, and DWF files.

After the release of AutoCAD W10.0, Autodesk released a number of applications to accompany it. These included AutoCAD: Inventor, Netfabb, Netfabb; Master, Netfabb, and Netfabb Basic. Autodesk also released Pro/ENGINEER, the underlying design tool used in AutoCAD, Architectural Desktop, and MEP. In 2006, Autodesk discontinued AutoCAD R14 and the Pro/ENGINEER and Master products.

The following year, Autodesk released the first release of AutoCAD LT, an open source successor to AutoCAD W1.2. The change to an open source project was motivated by Autodesk’s desire to increase Autodesk’s participation in the free software and open source communities. In 2008, Autodesk released AutoCAD LT 2.0. In 2010, Autodesk released AutoCAD LT 2010.

In 2012, Aut


AutoCAD supports the use of AutoLISP to execute programming functions to manipulate objects within the drawing window. In 1994, Autodesk released AutoLISP for AutoCAD 8 as a separate development platform. AutoLISP programming can be done with the interpreter or with a visual development environment such as the VisualLISP environment. VisualLISP was released as an add-on product to AutoCAD, but is now available as a separate product. AutoLISP programming is also possible in VisualLISP, or with the Command Line API. AutoLISP is a procedural programming language, which supports both flow-based programming, which is similar to other procedural programming languages, and a hybrid flow and command language.

VisualLISP is a programming tool for AutoCAD that provides the user with a combination of the normal AutoCAD user interface and the capability to write visual programming in the VisualLISP language. VisualLISP programs are displayed as a line diagram and, when selected, are interpreted by AutoCAD.

AutoCAD 2016
AutoCAD 2016 is based on the same 2D and 3D architecture as its previous versions. Autodesk added new core 3D capabilities in the same way that Autodesk added the core 2D capabilities in previous Autodesk releases, such as through upgrades. New features include:
New standard 3D modeling techniques
New 3D modeling tools for general contractors, architects, and interior designers
3D visualization, including 3D print and motion graphics
Object Technology, which allows users to break down an object into multiple 2D components
Improvements to the Dynamo 2D and Dynamo 3D automatic mesh creation tools
New component libraries and templates
Larger fonts and colors
New properties, such as thickness, for polylines, splines, and surfaces
New layouts, including a new “box-only” box layout template.
The “edit structure” feature allows the user to move, rotate, and scale a number of different components on the same page.
An additional increase in memory from 8 GB to 16 GB.
A custom tool, Project Viewer, which allows users to view, move, resize, select, and print individual components of a project.
ObjectARX is a C++ class library developed to allow users to extend AutoCAD functionality to third-party applications using the.

AutoCAD Crack+ [Latest 2022]

Click on the “Startup” icon.
Go to Registry Editor.
Expand the following key:
Click on the “Startup” key.
Now write down the serial number you see there in the box.
Now open the registry editor, find the folder where Autocad is installed and click on “Edit”
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\Startup and click on “Toggle Keys”
Check if the serial number in there is the same as the one you wrote down in step 5.
If not, delete the entry and click “Ok”.
Press “Ok”


Field name with underscore in a Django Form

So I have a Django form in which I create a line item, like so:
class InventoryItemForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Inventory
fields = ‘__all__’

This works fine, and I can populate the model via the Admin interface with no problems.
However, I’m finding it difficult to get the name of the fields generated by the __all__ method. I’m trying to access them in the following way:

The problem is that Django prints out the following error:
AttributeError at /inventory/add
‘InventoryItemForm’ object has no attribute ‘fields’

Why? Isn’t the __all__ method just returning the fields of the form? What am I missing?


In fact, you should use custom widget for Django Form. It’s very easy:
from django import forms
from django.forms import ModelChoiceField

class CustomForm(forms.Form):
description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput())
quantity = ModelChoiceField(

def __init__(self, *

What’s New in the?

Drawing color enhancements:

Create a palette of colors to use with the pattern and variable libraries, and create a new shape that combines the two into a composite shape (video: 1:26 min.).

The New Menu:

Master the contents of the new menu and use the most important items by default with new easy-to-use commands. (video: 1:05 min.)

Glazing Tools:

Expand your design possibilities with new tools that let you easily create glazing designs. Work without a paper or PDF in place (video: 1:04 min.)

Drawing Tools:

Speed up your workflow with new powerful tools that let you easily interact with AutoCAD, including:

Use the Alt + Backspace keyboard shortcut to undo recent changes without having to press Esc.

2x faster ribbon and menu commands with the new Quick Edit, Select, and Draw tools.

2x faster eraser tool.

Faster and more accurate shape, text, and area selection tools.

Preview graphics before drawing them.

Quickly draw a series of overlapping shapes.

Use a dynamic outline view to see the outline of a drawing window as you create a new shape.

Markup Tools:

Save time with new drawing and markup tool commands.

Easily insert point and annotation symbols into drawings.

Insert annotated pictures and images into drawings.

Easily insert hyperlinks into drawings.

Use a “smart path” to automatically incorporate a shape into another.

Open a symbol package file to insert symbols.

Generate complex drawings from scratch with the new Scratch tool.

Drawing Options:

Easily change color and font settings.

Use the new Color and Font Manager to quickly and easily apply your changes.

Use powerful drawing options to control visibility, underdrawing, and more.

Use the new “Drawing Views” tool to easily change the view of your drawings.

Automatically save drawings in the drawing template format.

Access drawings by project, drawing template, or drawing group.

Drawing Templates:

Save your time by creating new drawing templates and sharing them with your colleagues. (video: 1:40 min.)

Working with Users, Groups, and Files:

Get more done in less time with new tools

System Requirements:

Windows 8 and 8.1 (Windows 7 will work as well, but with limited support)
Video: AMD HD 7870, NVIDIA GTX 760
DirectX: Version 11 (This game requires DirectX 11)
CPU: 2.8 GHz processor or faster
Hard Disk Space: 4.5 GB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Video: AMD HD 7970, NVIDIA GTX 970