AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Crack PC/Windows [Updated] 🠶







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What Is AutoCAD Product Key?

AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) software that allows you to easily design and create 2D drawings, 3D models, and much more.

When we say CAD software, we mean that a CAD program can be used for drafting. In the past, CAD programs were used only for designing buildings or other engineering-oriented things. Today, they are used for just about anything.

What Does AutoCAD Offer?

Apart from the basic functionality of a CAD program, AutoCAD offers the following:

Drawing and editing tools – such as lines, arcs, circles, splines, text, and arrows

Options for different types of paper and canvas that you can use to draw on

A wide range of drawing and design tools, including layers, linetypes, layers and shapes, text, grids, and more

Tools for working with 3D and parametric modeling

Customizable preferences, including hotkeys

Connection to many other types of software

Very high security and privacy settings

Automatic translation into many languages

The basic AutoCAD subscription includes access to the entire application, including AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Mechanical, and AutoCAD Electrical. Premium subscribers to AutoCAD have access to add-ons and an increased number of features.

AutoCAD LT is a basic version of AutoCAD that allows you to create 2D drawings with fewer options. LT users can save drawings in one of several file formats, and can draw in paper or canvas.

AutoCAD Architecture offers additional tools for creating 3D models.

AutoCAD Mechanical is for creating 2D drawings of mechanical objects.

AutoCAD Electrical is for creating 2D drawings of electrical objects.

The basic AutoCAD subscription also includes time-limited licenses for Teamcenter, Autodesk’s online service that provides access to the latest updates and features.

Your subscription also includes access to the free app versions of AutoCAD, including the mobile version and web-based versions.


AutoCAD can be purchased by users in different licensing arrangements. There are three main types of licenses:

AutoCAD Complete – This is the entry-level license for AutoCAD. It allows you to create 2D drawings. AutoCAD LT is included

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In 2010, Autodesk announced collaboration with Intel to create Intel Edison, an open source microcontroller that can connect to the AutoCAD software and make drawings directly on boards with a flexible connector for the hardware. It uses the WiPy Python language.

In 2016, Autodesk announced a new version of AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, for Linux. It uses GTK+. The new program still supports the use of Windows, and it will be compatible with.NET applications.

AutoCAD is also available for Windows Mobile.


External links

Category:Computer-aided design software
Category:Computer-aided design software for Windows
Category:Computer-aided design software for Linux
Category:Computer-aided design software for iOS
Category:Computer-aided design software for MacOS
Category:Computer-aided design software for Android
Category:Electronic engineering
Category:Graphic design software
Category:Software using the LGPL license
Category:Software using the GNU AGPL licenseQ:

Trying to Set OnClickListener using a Layout?

I have a simple layout of a game the does not have the.xml layout. It has file that has only the Layout with the button as a child view. It does not need a tag, etc. I have tried using an OnClickListener and an OnTouchListener and neither work. Am I missing something in my code? I can’t get it to work even if I do not set any ID’s.

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Button btn = (Button) findViewById(;
btn.setOnClickListener(new View.On

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# Airplane cabin

– Regis Lantieri

What’s New in the?

Drawings from PDF (and Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, and Word) can be added to existing drawings with no additional drawing steps.

Designers can easily change fonts, colors, and legends in drawings from PDF or PowerPoint without leaving the drawing window, and the change is immediately incorporated into the current drawing.

Format drawings from paper printouts, PDFs, and images, for placement in the proper drawing space, and place the drawing directly on the drawing wall.

Show a highlighted portion of a drawing on the wall in scale and rotation.

Press a button in the command bar and designate a portion of the drawing area to show.

Add graphic, text, and line styles to part labels and apply to a drawing area.

Generate and review command sequences. Create and practice sequences in any part of the drawing, and then easily see the results on the command bar.

Use the ribbon to add and edit layers, and work with some complex parts of AutoCAD in an intuitive way.

Track objects in drawing space and create many editable layers of the drawings.

Edit named layers in the drawing window, or select a named layer for another drawing.

Modify layer contents without leaving the drawing area.

Create and use a custom layer palette.

Keep commands on the command bar and type in the text field, and then place the text on the drawing wall or on the command bar.

Edit text directly on the command bar, and create new text in any part of the drawing.

Create and insert text and rectangular objects from the keyboard or from a formatted text file.

Edit text directly on the command bar, and directly edit text objects or text on the drawing wall.

Create text from a text file in any supported text format. Edit text on the command bar, and place text in the drawing wall.

Edit and format objects on the drawing wall or directly on the command bar.

Manage fonts, colors, and symbols used throughout a drawing.

Work with a symbol library, to create or replace symbols.

View and print slide presentations and drawings, including recent drawings.

Use AutoCAD graphic filters to enhance the appearance of your drawings and clean up the appearance of large or complex drawings.

Create and display images, shapes, groups, and sections

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Supported OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
CPU: Intel Dual Core or equivalent
Disk Space: 50 MB
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