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The latest release of AutoCAD 2017 adds several new features. AutoCAD 2017 can make drawing and printing easier by letting you add and edit 2D and 3D vector and raster graphics. With the new 2D Annotations feature, you can draw text, arrows, circles, lines, and polygons. With the new 3D Content feature, you can import, edit, and export 3D models. And with the new 2D Text feature, you can draw 2D text, and you can type text in an existing drawing. The new Navigation feature lets you see and edit the toolbars, graphics, and objects in a drawing. And you can start a drawing from the command line by using the new Image Processing command.

For the latest information about the latest updates to AutoCAD and other AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT applications, see the Autodesk website.

How to Use AutoCAD

AutoCAD is a versatile CAD application for drawing 2D and 3D computer-aided design (CAD) drawings of architectural, mechanical, electrical, and engineering projects. AutoCAD is compatible with Windows-based and Macintosh computers, as well as with a wide variety of computer hardware.

Use AutoCAD to create or edit 2D and 3D views of a 2D or 3D model. A 2D view is a diagram in a 2D (flat) space; a 3D view is a diagram in a 3D (three-dimensional) space. In the 2D view, you can rotate and pan the view, change the view size, and move the view up, down, left, or right. In the 3D view, you can pan the view, zoom in and out, and move the view up, down, left, and right. You can rotate the view around a point in the 3D space, change the view size, and move the view up, down, left, and right. You can change the view from orthographic, isometric, or perspective views.

Create and edit 2D and 3D drawings. You can create and edit 2D drawings of 2D objects, such as a floor plan or architectural drawing. You can create and edit 3D drawings of 3D objects, such as a building or other 3D object. AutoCAD can also create 2D and 3D cutaway views, which are diagrams that you can rotate around a fixed point.

Use standard commands

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AutoCAD contains the following:

AutoCAD Structural and electrical packages

AutoCAD Mechanical is a package containing 2D and 3D design tools for mechanical engineering and architectural drafting. It uses the 3D feature set of AutoCAD, and has a similar user interface and documentation. Its most common application is the generation of building-level engineering drawings, and generating BIM models. It is designed to work with AutoLISP and Visual LISP. It is called “AutoCAD Mechanical”, not “AutoCAD Mechanical 2D” or “AutoCAD Mechanical 3D”.
AutoCAD Electrical is a package that contains a set of 2D and 3D electrical design tools. It is essentially the same as AutoCAD Mechanical, but adds electrical schematics to a 3D model.
AutoCAD MEP (Multifunctional Expert Package) is a package containing a set of 2D and 3D architectural design tools, as well as the ability to import other architectural 3D content (e.g. SketchUp) into AutoCAD via the DXF format. It uses the 3D feature set of AutoCAD, and has a similar user interface and documentation. Unlike other packages, it does not support Visual LISP. Its most common application is the generation of building-level engineering drawings and the generation of BIM models.

3D packages

AutoCAD 360 3D (formerly Draw360 3D) is a feature set of 3D editing tools (including Alias, BDM, and SolidWorks type files) for architectural drawing. It uses the 3D feature set of AutoCAD and has a similar user interface and documentation. Its most common application is to generate Revit models from 3D models.
Autodesk Maya is a 3D computer graphics application that is included with AutoCAD. It is frequently used in conjunction with AutoCAD, for example to create photorealistic renderings and animations. Unlike AutoCAD, Maya has the ability to edit and render 3D content without the need for the AutoCAD application. It uses the 3D feature set of AutoCAD. It is bundled with Maya 2015, the current version. Its most common applications are:
Renderings and animations
3D modeling and rendering for games
3D modeling for visual effects and character animation
3D packages for architectural design

Building Information Modeling

AutoCAD WS is a

AutoCAD Activation

Import the template onto the layer you wish to edit.
Using the cut tool, simply drag the new template from the right side into the right-hand window.

No Template

export default {
name: ‘NoTemplate’


NSX 1.5.2 is being deployed now to the production cluster. This is a smaller update than we saw in NSX 1.5.1, so it is already being rolled out and there are no reported issues yet. The release notes list only bug fixes, so we’ll have to wait and see.

If you were part of the beta program, you will receive the usual email that you can use to download and install NSX. I saw the email for a few hours today but haven’t seen anything since, so if you’re still in the beta program, it’s time to start thinking about upgrading.

There are many NSX components in this release and I plan to spend some time over the next few days looking into each one. In the meantime, I hope you will have a look at the release notes and consider if you have any compatibility issues.Mitigation of muscle deoxygenation during muscular exercise.
Muscle tissue is normally perfused with a constant blood supply. This was investigated by determining the regional oxygen pressure in muscle (PO2) in the m. tibialis anterior during electrical stimulation of the saphenous nerve. An arterial catheter was inserted in the brachial artery for blood sampling, and a needle electrode was inserted into the m. tibialis anterior for the electrical stimulation. We used a catheter with a fine optical fiber inserted into the muscle. Its tip was placed close to the muscle surface, allowing accurate determination of PO2 in the superficial part of the muscle. PO2 was measured by the phosphorescence quenching of a dye excited at 2.67 microns. PO2 increased during electrical stimulation. Muscle PO2 gradually decreased during the exercise, reaching a

What’s New In?

Acadabra, a drawing and modeling solution from Autodesk, includes a feature called Markup Assist. It is designed to reduce the time and effort involved in drawing and modifying models. Markup Assist lets you keep a design (or a portion of one) open while you incorporate changes to your model from paper or PDF files. Then, when you are ready to move your design to the next level, you can close the drawing without losing the revisions made in Markup Assist.

Markup Assist uses imported or embedded annotations to represent user edits. Annotations automatically update their markup properties as the drawing is modified. It also uses a browser interface to support newer, non-Windows file types. The browser-based annotation interface allows you to make changes to your design directly in the browser window, rather than having to open the file in another application, a process that can slow down the review process.

The video, “How AutoCAD integrates Markup Assist,” is available in the Autodesk YouTube Channel.

Included in the Autodesk Hosted Training Library:

Paint in 3D views. Using the same tools you can view objects in 3D space and also paint surfaces. (video: 2:54 min.)

Paint in 3D views. Using the same tools you can view objects in 3D space and also paint surfaces. (video: 2:54 min.) Performance improvements. Faster performing rendering and file format conversion. (video: 2:54 min.)

Paint in 3D views. Using the same tools you can view objects in 3D space and also paint surfaces. (video: 2:54 min.) Performance improvements. Faster performing rendering and file format conversion. (video: 2:54 min.)

Get new or revised AutoCAD training manuals and other Autodesk material on

Applies to: AutoCAD R2023

Free to the academic community through UCITS, The National Science Foundation, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology

AutoCAD® is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates.Please share your feedback. We would love to know about your experience!

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System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Requires a working internet connection.
At least 256MB RAM.
128 MB for your monitor.
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon II x2 or above.
Memory: 256 MB.
Video Card: GeForce 7 series or Radeon HD 2000 or higher.
Sound Card: Microsoft® DirectX 9.0c or higher compatible.
The game is a full mouse and keyboard game, so you may need to install the proper drivers for your mouse and keyboard.
Not compatible with Internet Explorer 5