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September 21, 2017. Download! teen with a rare form of epilepsy has been studying brain mapping tools at a conference held in Boston this week. His parents are sharing their experience.

17-year-old Alex Hernandez suffers from a rare form of epilepsy called Rolandic epilepsy. It causes nerve cells in the skull to fire too many times, and the area where the nerve cells fire is a specific area at the back of the head.

“It feels like there’s something hard [in my head] when it happens because it feels so sharp and like it’s really hard,” says Hernandez.

While those seizures might be frightening, they are usually quick and only last a few minutes.

“The episodes I have usually happen on the floor or on the couch,” he says.

And while the attacks can be intense, Alex said they never hurt.

His mom, Elsa Hernandez, says it’s only been recently that she’s seen him start having the attacks at school.

They usually happen when he’s not able to get the right medicine or dosage.

“It’s really scary,” she says. “You don’t know where to look when you see him having a seizure.”

The seizures leave him in bad shape, though.

“I got thrown up and I got a headache, and I got a lot of sleep for a few weeks,” he says.

Alex says when he does have a seizure he cannot drive and needs to be with someone because he starts to get violent. He can’t ride a bike, leave the house or cut himself.

People sometimes call him a “monster kid.”

“I guess it depends on who you ask, but I feel like I’m a pretty normal guy,” he says.

That’s why he says getting a diagnosis in fifth grade and having access to new medical services was a game-changer.

“I can actually get the medicine I need to be able to have a normal life,”

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