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This old-fashioned, somewhat creepy looking, disease-carrying plant can be a source of both pleasure and pain for humans. A sexually transmitted disease, chlamydia can wreak havoc with the body if not taken care of. Fortunately, it’s easy to treat and easily detected by a simple swab — just be aware of your risks. Oral sex can be a delicious, intimate part of sex, but it’s not for every couple. I’ll tell you three scenarios and you’ll be able to tell how you’d feel about that. But first, what is oral sex? When talking about oral sex, many people assume that one person simply sucks on the other. If you’re dating someone or if he/she’s a significant other, they know that there are so many expectations of what sexual encounters should be. There’s no way around it, but being with someone new can be scary. Because at the end of the day, you’re actually meeting someone for the first time, and you need to ask yourself: Are these people the kind of people you want to be with? When the answer is yes, oral sex can be awesome — but let’s start from the beginning. If you’re a teen and you’re curious about oral sex, here are some easy words to say to your body and mind: Oral sex is to give someone pleasure with your mouth. You may get into the habit of treating oral sex like other types of sex. You may even start performing oral sex if you’re in a one-sided relationship. According to Teen Vogue: This does not mean your boyfriend or your girlfriend wants you to do oral sex. Oral sex is about giving pleasure, not about humiliating and degrading your partner. If you’re anything like me, oral sex doesn’t come naturally to you. Lastly, it will allow you to get more comfortable with your body. Just that alone can make you more accepting and less likely to be nervous while performing oral sex. If you’re a teen and you’re worried about getting pregnant, don’t worry. If a condom is used properly, there is a very low chance that you will get pregnant. It was a hot summer day, no air conditioning, and no way to cool off but straight from our window, my dad laid on the lawn and lay on his
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Deiax Dollvers/Shutterstock Knowing that we’re only attracted to certain people is a liberating feeling. And that doesn’t mean you have to sleep with everyone who crosses your path. It can be good to know upfront, or at least when you’re starting to think about giving your partner the ol’ boot, that there might be some serious red flags. Looking good, acting right, and, most importantly, knowing your own boundaries — these qualities, according to some in the scientific community, can lead to better relationships and intimacy. It might seem a little too good to be true, and it is — a new study conducted by an Australian research team found that people with close personal relationships are on average happier than those without. The takeaway? Choosing a healthy partner, defined as someone you’d also like to have a healthy, intimate relationship with, can be good for your well-being. And some options for casual sex don’t require much physical exertion on your part. For instance, one of the most notorious, free, and anonymous hookup apps is the one that connects you with one of the stranger’s friends — just be careful not to waste people’s time or get into a pattern of it if you’re not really into that kind of thing. One of the fastest-growing trends in gay and bisexual dating today is non-monogamous relationships. It’s a designation for a number of different relationships — “open relationships” if you’re with a boyfriend and “polyamory” if you’re with a partner and also a third person. Sexual health is like a muscle. You build it through use, so it’s always good to make sure you’re doing it right. That means trying something new, getting that condom on, doing your best to practice safe sex, and finding that muscle where you’re weak, then working to build it up. There are several new dating apps out there that cater specifically to people who want to have sex with people they aren’t in relationships with. They’re known in the industry as hookup apps because that’s all they offer. Essentially, you have five minutes to get laid, or bust out your phone to find a stranger to enjoy yourself with. Choosing a healthy partner, defined as someone you’d also like to have a healthy, intimate relationship with, can be good for your well-being. The