AutoCAD Crack PC/Windows 📢







AutoCAD Crack +

In May 2013, Autodesk released AutoCAD R14 for mobile devices and Autodesk for iOS, with AutoCAD R13 being the last supported version.

AutoCAD continues to be marketed as being the “only native CAD program for PC” and has been criticized by users of other CAD programs, primarily because it does not support all features in other CAD programs, such as mechanical modeling and drafting, and the lack of a consistent user interface. AutoCAD is a native Windows application and has traditionally been oriented towards the corporate market rather than the individual user. However, since late 2013, it has been updated to support 3D drawing on Windows 10. On July 11, 2015, Autodesk announced that it would not be renewing its license to sell AutoCAD, which was set to expire at the end of 2016, and that users could keep using the product for one year after that.

AutoCAD Technical Features

Note that the following features differ between the PC version and mobile versions of AutoCAD.

1.2MB AutoCAD Installer

AutoCAD R14 on Windows 10 supports the Universal Windows Platform (UWP). UWP applications are designed for use on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. The 1.2MB AutoCAD installer includes a small set of files needed to launch AutoCAD when launched through the Windows Store. No AutoCAD files are installed.

Edit modes

A drawing can be in one of two modes.

The User mode is used when the user begins to draw in the application, and it is automatically switched to User mode when the drawing is saved.

The Workbench mode is used to view the drawing in a dedicated window.

The Draw Mode allows the user to select a drawing type. It is common for the AutoCAD drawings to be a mix of user drawings and the design data that created them.

The design data created by AutoCAD is stored in the Draw Book, or in the last created drawing in the Draws folder. The design data is generally one of the following types:

Full design, or Architectural drawing that fully depicts the building (as opposed to a drawing that only shows parts of a building). The drawing can be in one of the following 2.5D drawing types: Traditional block-based 2.5D, which shows a plan view (a top view) of the building or other project, a

AutoCAD Crack+ Download [April-2022]

Revit also has a scripting API. It is somewhat similar to the one used by AutoCAD Full Crack. While AutoCAD and Revit are both based on the same Microstation platform, the revit API is specific to Revit.

3D environment
AutoCAD Architecture supports the import of 3D buildings from the Open Architectural Framework and iModel repository.

Platform independence
AutoCAD is platform-independent. AutoCAD runs on the following platforms:

Windows-based operating systems
Mac OS X

The AutoCAD application suite also runs on the UNIX platform. See the list of portability issues.

More recent versions of AutoCAD use a new Portable Visual LISP (PVLP) implementation of LISP (known as “PVLP LISP” or “PVL”) as part of the application’s XML format. This allows the application to be ported to a wide range of platforms, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris. The AutoCAD XML format was superseded by the native application application data format (ADF) introduced in AutoCAD 2010.

AutoCAD software on Windows and Mac OS X can be run in the Classic mode. In the Classic mode, the menu bar, toolbars, and ribbon are all the same as in standard AutoCAD. AutoCAD on Windows runs in the standard “Modern UI” mode, similar to Windows 8.

Customization and tools

AutoCAD contains several tools (called “add-ons”) that can be accessed from the Toolbox. Most add-ons provide features that are similar to the functionality in other 3D-related products such as the ability to use brush and extrude tools, to create and manipulate surfaces, to edit and modify shapes, and to add support for special tools. The most commonly used tools include:


Add-on tools
Brushes (for 2D drafting)
Line tools (for drafting)
Curves (for drawing curves)
Line replacement (automatic lines used to create new shapes)
Convert/insert (used to add new shape functionality)
Extrude and Fillet
Freeform solid (for free form creation)
Surface (used for surface editing)
Text (allows inserting text to a surface)
Subdivision surface

AutoCAD Crack+ With Serial Key Free Download For PC

Step 1
Select the *.ACP file that you downloaded in STEP 3.
Step 2
Open Autocad
Press ALT+F9 to open the Commands tab.
Step 3
Click on the “Open Data” button (upper left corner)
Click “Viewer” in the lower left corner
Click on the “Set As Default” button (bottom right corner)
Step 4
Open the “Default Viewer” as shown in the screenshot

Step 5
Click on the keygen “Setupfile (Setup.exe)”
Step 6
Select the “Setupfile” and press OK
Step 7
Click on the Setup.exe file, it will start the setup process
Step 8
Wait until the setup is completed

After completing the step 5 the file setup will run. If you want to start the setup now, then simply click on the keygen.

How to create a pdf file from AutoCAD

Step 1
Open Autocad
Step 2
Select the *.ACP file that you downloaded in STEP 3
Step 3
Click on the “Open Data” button (upper left corner)
Step 4
Click on the “Create PDF” button (lower left corner)
Step 5
Select a Location to save the pdf file
Step 6
Click on the PDF file and press OK
Step 7
Close Autocad

How to use the product
Step 1
Open Autocad
Step 2
Open a design that you want to have printed
Step 3
Click on the “Print” button
Step 4
Enter the number of the color copies that you want to be printed
Step 5
Select a location to save the files
Step 6
Click on the Print button again to save the file

After printing, the color copies are organized in PDF file.

How to make a demo
Step 1
Open Autocad
Step 2
Select a color copy (PDFCompany has a set of pre-selected colors)
Step 3
Select the option “Make a Demo”
Step 4
The license will open (it will let you know whether the color copy is licensed or not)
Step 5
Click on the “Make a Demo” button
Step 6
Click on the “Start Demo” button (bottom left corner)
Step 7
Wait for the demo to be completed
Step 8

How to start the demo

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Working with point clouds:

Work with real-time point clouds on CAD or 3D modeling software. (video: 1:30 min.)

New drawing tools for metal fabrication

Use the DWGEO template to quickly create common metal fabrication templates. Create straight and circular patterns, include sheets, slots, fillets, radius corners, and holes. (video: 1:54 min.)

Use DWGEO to quickly generate a new drawing in AutoCAD. Click an area on the drawing and DWGEO creates a new drawing under that area. (video: 2:09 min.)

Use the new DWGEO template to create DWGEO drawings from paper templates. (video: 2:23 min.)

Use the DWGEO template to create DWGEO drawings from DWG sheets. (video: 2:25 min.)

DWGEO allows you to incorporate or import DWGEO drawings into AutoCAD. (video: 2:29 min.)

Model and draw 2D and 3D metal surfaces in DWGEO drawings. (video: 2:40 min.)

Use DWGEO to graphically import DWG data. (video: 2:42 min.)

Import and use DWGEO drawing templates. (video: 2:43 min.)

Open DWGEO files in AutoCAD. (video: 2:47 min.)

Include an DWGEO drawing in a DWG file. (video: 2:52 min.)

Create DWGEO drawings from DWG files. (video: 2:53 min.)

Create DWGEO drawings in AutoCAD. (video: 2:55 min.)

DWGEO is available on Win, Mac, and Linux platforms. See the product page for a download.


Drawing tools for Raster-to-vector conversion

Introducing new raster-to-vector conversion tools in AutoCAD. Convert 2D and 3D vector drawings to raster, and have the files auto-convert to different formats, including DXF, PDF, SVG, and other formats. (video: 1:40 min.)

Get a quick quote for AutoCAD

Convert existing DWG files to DWGEO. (video: 1:35 min.)

Convert DWG files into DW

System Requirements:

Windows PC (PCIE, Intel i5, Windows 7, 8, 10)
Mac Computer (Intel, Mac OS X Lion, Snow Leopard, Mountain Lion, Lion, Lion)
Minimum RAM:
2GB or more RAM for the first and second installation, minimum 4GB for the third and fourth.
Video card:
i5 – 640
i7 – 1280
HD Graphics – 1900
HD Graphics – 2100
For a detailed list of hardware specifications and compatibility please click