AutoCAD 23.1









AutoCAD 23.1 Crack + Free Registration Code [Latest] 2022

Use AutoCAD for engineering, architectural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design. AutoCAD is used by most architects, engineers, and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) professionals.

How AutoCAD Came to Be

AutoCAD was developed by Autodesk, and was originally known as AutoCAD R12 until an updated version, AutoCAD R13, was released in 1984. To celebrate the release of AutoCAD R13, Autodesk launched a competition inviting third-party developers to submit applications to integrate into the AutoCAD R13 design toolset. The first CAD product ever conceived as a plugin-based application, AutoCAD has been evolving ever since.

AutoCAD 2002, released in January 2002, introduced many new features and enhancements to its design platform. Subsequent product versions have added additional features, including color as a new standard drawing feature, object snapping, and transparency effects. By the end of 2016, AutoCAD 2019, was released, and included important new features such as improved path editing and the ability to publish your AutoCAD drawings to the cloud.


AutoCAD originated in 1982 as part of a project for Dr. Dan Neely of Stanford University, at that time an architectural student, to design a software application that would help students design buildings. His product became the first CAD application.

At Autodesk, Neely met Frank Farley, who wanted to build a better CAD tool, so he recruited Neely to come work for Autodesk. Together, they conceived AutoCAD.

What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a software application that was developed in 1982 for creating and editing 2D, 2.5D, and 3D drawings, including designing buildings, bridges, roads, and utility systems. AutoCAD was one of the first desktop applications to use vector graphics. Its user interface and commands were largely based on earlier graphics tools that used pen and pencil on paper.

Today, AutoCAD is part of the Autodesk family of software. Autodesk offers AutoCAD LT (a reduced-feature version) and AutoCAD PLY (a more-powerful variant) as desktop applications, as well as the AutoCAD Remote Connection (ARC) web-based and mobile applications. ARC is offered for free and is used for creating 2D drawings on the web and

AutoCAD 23.1

External tools (developed by third parties) are available on the Application Installer page of the Autodesk website. New external tools are also available by purchasing their corresponding licenses from Autodesk. The external tools are primarily intended for use with AutoCAD, but do not require AutoCAD.

In 2011, Autodesk announced that version 2011 would be the last version of AutoCAD.

Design and engineering
AutoCAD is a product of the Autodesk design and engineering group, which is one of Autodesk’s largest divisions, with more than 3,000 employees.

AutoCAD divides its design and engineering work into two principal categories:


Design is the process of establishing requirements for a product; Engineering is the process of designing the required features to meet those requirements. Both of these processes are highly iterative, with several stages of discussion between customer, design, and engineering teams.

The design team does the upfront conceptual design work, such as brainstorming and sketching. The engineering team does the detailed design work, and will be the primary sub-systems/features team. A CAD manager will often be assigned as a liaison between the two groups, to oversee the design and engineering team. This liaison is an engineer who has been trained in the design of product concepts.

The design process is generally non-linear; the designer will often work through several designs as the final design is refined. Engineers working in this process are called concept engineers, and are often assigned to a concept (working at the conceptual stage of design).

The typical workflow is to start with a’speculative sketch’. This is a conceptual design that is built upon by the engineering team, who will evolve the design. The design is then taken to the next level of design. This is when a new ‘concept’ is developed. A ‘concept’ is the object which the design revolves around.

Drawings are often used for communication during the design stage.

The design process generally moves through 3 phases:
Design requirements gathering and specification (first version of the product)
Concept (conceptual version of the product)
Production (specific version of the product, based on design documentation and constraints of the production process)

Product development is usually divided into three phases:
Development (development of the initial designs)


Design is the process of defining and creating models. CAD models are necessary to

AutoCAD 23.1 [Win/Mac]

1. Click on the Autocad Icon on the desktop.
2. Click on the Window menu at the top and select Preferences.
3. Click on Options.
4. Click on the Security tab.
5. Click on the download button.
6. Enter the license key.
7. Click OK.
8. Click on OK again.
9. Click on OK again.
10. Click on OK once more.
11. Go back to the Icon on the desktop, click on it, and select Load.
12. Click on OK when it asks to update.
13. Select the number of upgrades you would like to have installed.

-a means all the available updates.
-d means deactivated updates.
-x means you don’t want any updates.

14. Click OK.
15. When the program is finished it will say that it is ready for use.

16. Click on the Autocad Icon on the desktop.
17. Click on the Window menu at the top and select Preferences.
18. Click on the General tab.
19. Click on the Updates tab.
20. Click on the Settings button.
21. Click on “Autocad latest version”.
22. Select “Automatically install updates”.
23. Click OK.
24. Click on OK again.

25. Click on OK again.
26. Click on OK again.
27. Go back to the Icon on the desktop, click on it, and select Load.
28. Click on OK when it asks to update.

29. Install the updates.


External links
Autodesk official support site for Autocad
Autocad Wikipedia

Category:1983 software
Category:Computer-related introductions in 1983Q:

What is the name of the game in which children play with marbles and wooden blocks in the playground?

We are from the Czech Republic and I’d like to know the name of the game that some of our kids play with.


It is called Skeleton.
More info here.


I’ve only been to the US, but I believe it is called “The Marble Game”.


In Czech Republic (as a parent) we call it just “láská síť” (love network) or “

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Import feedback from printed paper or PDFs and add changes to your drawings automatically, without additional drawing steps. (video: 1:15 min.) Markup Assist: Make edits in a 3D view, and see them on-screen without actually modifying your drawing. (video: 2:21 min.)

Freeform Dimensioning:

Draw objects, modify their shape, and change their dimensions in a 3D view, without leaving the 2D view. Freeform dimensioning is a feature of X-Y dimensioning, but it’s now available for any object in the drawing. (video: 1:03 min.)

Draw objects, modify their shape, and change their dimensions in a 3D view, without leaving the 2D view. Freeform dimensioning is a feature of X-Y dimensioning, but it’s now available for any object in the drawing. (video: 1:03 min.) Auto Zoom:

Keep your project in focus when you zoom into large views, or when you zoom out to see more details of your drawing. (video: 2:31 min.)

Keep your project in focus when you zoom into large views, or when you zoom out to see more details of your drawing. (video: 2:31 min.) Dynamic Protractor:

Draw and adjust angles and angles between lines and arcs to create cross sections, and view them as you modify your drawing. (video: 2:27 min.)

Draw and adjust angles and angles between lines and arcs to create cross sections, and view them as you modify your drawing. (video: 2:27 min.) New symbols:

In this edition, we’ve added a new symbol library. The new symbol library includes thousands of objects. (video: 1:40 min.)

New Symbols

New Dynamic Protractor

PDF import

Multiple source tabs in the PDF Import dialog

New “Import PDF” filter in the toolbar

New “PDF Backgrounds” option to switch to a white or transparent background for imported PDFs

Better workflow with multiple source tabs in the PDF Import dialog

Use a white or transparent background for imported PDFs

Show/hide dynamic arrowheads

Change the look of 3D primitives

Adjust the polygon style (except hollow and dashed polygon styles)

New Dynamic Protractor

Power users can now quickly draw and adjust

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64bit only)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 945
Memory: 2GB RAM
Hard Drive: 1GB free disk space
Display: 1024×768, 800×600, 1280×1024
DVD Drive: Yes
Additional Notes:
1. Game does not include a disc. A Steam download code is included in the package.
2. Game