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Photoshop vs Photoshop Elements: The Differences

Adobe Photoshop is generally regarded as the industry standard for digital image editing. In 2014, Photoshop CS5 became the first standard version to surpass 50 million downloads. Photoshop is available as the original version, the All-In-One version or Photoshop Elements. Photoshop Elements is geared toward beginners who want to create simple image projects or edit their existing images.

This article will review the differences between Photoshop and Photoshop Elements with the assistance of screen shots and a short video that you can watch.

Your Favorite Tools for Photo Editing

Let’s look at the screen shots of the Photoshop and Photoshop Elements software:

1. Photoshop CS5: All-In-One Version

This is the standard version that is geared toward the pro market. It has all of the features that professionals need in an image-editing program.

One of the main features is the Content-Aware Fill tool. This tool will fill areas with the color of the image. You will see the results in the photo strip on the right.

This is a convenient tool for people who want to accurately restore a part of a photo that has been overexposed or be on the look out for areas that are black in the photo.

Another handy tool is the Free Transform tool. This tool lets you resize an object in any direction. The tool will give you the option to move along the X axis and the Y axis or edit the proportions.

The Background Eraser tool also has its own tool window where you can easily erase areas of a photo. This tool will erase areas based on the areas surrounding it, similar to the Magic Wand tool.

Other tools include the Spot Healing Brush and the Smart Brush (also known as Magic Wand). These tools will highlight the areas in which you apply the feature with the Smart Brush. You can also select different shapes or colors from the Smart Brush to use as options.

The background here is fairly bright because of the light.

The Add New Layer tool will allow you to layer multiple raster and vector images on top of each other. You will have to click on the Add New Layer icon in the bottom of the tool window to open the tool. You will then click on a layer to select it. The icon in the tool window will change to a plus sign indicating that there is a new layer available for you to use. The layer doesn’t have to be in the same photo file as the

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Adobe Photoshop Desktop and Adobe Photoshop Elements (also called “Photoshop Classic”) share features including layers, selections, layers editing, adjustment layers, masks and paths, text, transform and warp tools, vectors, raster imagery and much more. Photoshop Elements has fewer features than Elements, though it is still one of the most complete and powerful professional photo editing programs.

Also see the Adobe Photoshop video tutorial on Adobe Photoshop CS6 and the corresponding page on Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 15

You can use Photoshop Elements as well as Adobe Photoshop CS6. Your preferred version works perfectly fine with Photoshop Elements.

Some people choose Photoshop Elements to learn the basics of photo editing and to become more comfortable with photo editing in general.

Photoshop Elements 15 offers the following advantages over Photoshop CS6. This list is incomplete, so write to us if you have anything you wish to add.

Advantages over Photoshop CS6

Advantages over Photoshop Elements 11

Creating Vector Art

Photoshop Elements has a simple and useful dedicated vector art tool for designers who want to create pixel-based vector art, including logos, icons, and more. It is surprisingly usable.

The vector art tool is similar to Adobe Illustrator’s vector art tools, though it is a bit less powerful.

While the other tools in Photoshop Elements, such as the pencil tool and drawing tools, only work on single layers, the vector art tools can operate on groups of layers. To turn a vector graphics object in a group of layers, hold down the shift key while moving the vector image along the grid. The grid will move with the image and the vector art tools then select the whole image. Press enter and the vector art tools are applied to the whole group of layers. Release the shift key to return to normal working mode.

This works surprisingly well, especially considering that it is not as powerful as Adobe Illustrator.

If you work on logos and the like, you might think of Photoshop Elements as an alternative to Adobe Illustrator, because Adobe Illustrator is typically a complex alternative for logos and the like.

Create 2D and 3D Text

Image files can be extremely large, and sometimes it is desirable to cut a picture into smaller pieces for one reason or another. For example, if you wish to cut out a subject in a picture, you can do it in Photoshop Elements quite well. The cut-out image can

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## Layer and Layers
>![Photoshop CS3. (Click here)][4]
> A Layer is a way of structuring and organizing an image. You can add, delete, move, and rename them, but Photoshop will take care of all the formatting and layering algorithms for you.
> Layers can also be grouped together to form a new layer set. Changes to a layer can be applied to the entire set of layers or to individual layers.

[4]: asset/ui/images/photoshop-cs3-layers.png “Photoshop CS3 layers”

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=== Code snippets in this README file

The following code snippets are extracted from code samples written in:
* Documentation:
* test folder
* src folders of a Nuxeo Eclipse ADT Project

These are the code snippets that can be tested in automated tests (they are
automated via `Maven` in the `samples` folder), and in manual tests (to
enforce at least the creation of documents/sections/etc).

The following code snippets are extracted from code samples written in:
* Documentation:
* test folder
* src folders of a Nuxeo Eclipse ADT Project

=== Only supported by (the main application)

* Document creation
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* addition
* change
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* Set/remove upload filters
* Extract/move data from a file in the repository to a document of another type
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* Attachments

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System Requirements:

Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 (32/64-bit)
1.2GHz Processor or Higher
1 GB RAM (2 GB for patch installation)
2 GB of available hard drive space
Graphics Card:
1024×768 Resolution or Higher
DirectX 9.0c Compatible Video Card
Sound Card:
Compatible with DirectSound or ASIO driver
DirectX compatible sound card
Hard Drive:
Any form of HD
15 GB Free Hard Drive Space